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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

With All the wrongs....... nothing is Right

If you have even viewed just a little of the video coming out of London over the course of the last few days,  the level of destruction is incredible, if not down right unacceptable. Cool Britannia this is not. Mark Duggan was being arrested for drug charges, he is presumed to have had a firearm, well to be accurate ....... a starter pistol converted to be a firearm. It would be apparent that this young man wanted to resist the authority of the law. Even that is inconclusive at this point. What is conclusive is the young man is dead, shot by the police; Mr. Duggan who was being followed and was going to be arrested was going to be stopped for drug charges. It is no different in the United States, city after city, State after State, the government in order to " protect " it's citizens will offend their liberties, in order to save liberty. Convoluted logic, based on an improper definition of rights, precludes nothing more than violence..... senseless violence against people, and property, which is the basis for establishing government in the first place, that is to protect people and property from unwarranted violence against your person and property, would a more libertine form of governance have produced such results as centralized government has over the last few days ?  I doubt it very much, in fact there is a live laboratory on this right around the corner from London......... called Amsterdam.........which is a clear indication of what tolerance, real liberalism, and laizze faire is capable of producing. Throw in with some of that liberalism some American ideals on unalienable rights and you have the makings of keeping peace, and prosperity for all as well as the damper on violence that is being experienced in London currently.
                                                                 I am not making excuses for Mark Duggan, on the contrary if what is made public is true, if you deal drugs whether in the United States or Great Britain and you have in your possession an illegal firearm, and if you are being stopped, pulled over, or questioned by the Police...... guess what Sparky, you better be prepared to get arrested. Oh and in case your public education has not taught you better, let's exercise some common sense while we are at it, there are more policeman with guns than there are of you, so don't be totally ignorant and point a firearm at an officer, because that officer more than likely does not have a death wish in fact it is probably just the opposite, the officer probably to a high degree has a life wish, and will probably take you out, rather than allow the opposite to take place. As the saying goes today.......... just sayin............          there is a cause and effect at work here, the cause of police shooting drug dealers with guns, is because, it is against the law to point a gun at an officer. No Society should ask it's officers to take a bullet for stupidity. Never. Ever.
                                                                 The Drug laws exist for the benefit of the State, not the individual, and had Mr. Duggan been allowed to live in a libertine environment, his possession of drugs, and a homemade firearm would not have warranted the resources committed to arrest him. It is hard for many to agree on this position, but at the end of the day whatever the drug is, what happens during such an exchange is a sale of one commodity to a person, to be sold to another person. It is an exchange. Without redress for grievances, those who deal in illicit drugs have no other recourse but to engage in violence, thus the State .... at whatever level ensures that there will not only be criminal behaviour, but that there will also be violence to follow. That is maintaining a free society ? I fail to see how that works. A firearm or more importantly the ownership of a firearm is an unalienable right to be enjoyed by all. Restrictions of firearm ownership create nothing more than a criminal and a victim within a society. The society that follows the criminal/victim line of thinking, is doing so to the detriment of it's citizens, as we can see in London, or as we saw in Los Angeles in the 90's the police cannot be everywhere. Me personally I would rather be a criminal than a victim. How about you ?

                                                                The property owners in London who are law abiding, have taken the worst punishment of this situation, the government acts helpless while wanton destruction takes place, and if the property owners were to take action against the elements destroying there property, rest assured they would be arrested as well. Statist should not be allowed to have it both ways, either you are going to tax us ( extract a fee for service ) and protect us, or leave people the hell alone. One cannot live by right, and be a victim at the same time, only a government official would spout that kind of nonsense, kinda like we have to raise the debt ceiling to lower the deficit............. it's that kind of nonsense the we the people need to put to rest, perhaps the Brits could learn a lesson from that as well.

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