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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Refusing Victimhood

  Victim: a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action

             2. a person  who is deceived or cheated

                                              Ayn Rand had written about the concept she called the
  "sanction of the victim"  which can only occur as she describes it when : the willingness of the good suffers at the hands of evil, to accept the role of sacrificial victim for the sin of creating values. Her idea was that evil can only exist as a parasite on the values of those who uphold the good, only as long as the good will tolerate the parasitical behaviour. In other words, evil exists only as long as you allow it to feed off of your good behaviour. If you tolerate the parasite. The parasite will continue to feed off of the host. Starve the beast, and it will no longer be able to exist. In our time, in our contemporary view, we are asked to accept parasites in many different forms, and behaviours. To some degree, an individual can choose not to allow that behaviour. In some instances individual action alone will not be of any great value, but persuading others to follow the right course of action may indeed be the way to show others a moral approach to a situation, and further persuade others to follow such a course. Then of course there are much larger issues that require the strength of a collective action for a moral course of action, but in each of these instances as an individual you have the choice to choose to not be the victim.
                                                                                 Let's examine one instance of action we can all choose to take. Money is a medium of exchange. Real money has inherent, or objective value, which allows others to compare a level of production. For thousands of years gold was the medium that was used. When governments realized that they could print money, they did so robbing those in a marketplace the value of their labor, and savings. As an individual you could always offer to pay for a transaction either in fiat currency, or in gold. At first others may see this as strange, or bizarre, and to those not accustomed to the idea of payment in specie  I am sure at first it may seem that way, but consider that the only way our modern education allows most people to understand money today is via the Federal Reserve Note system. There would be no need to lecture the other person who is less informed on the matter, just simply say you prefer to transact with real money, but can work with them either way. If many of us choose to act this way we could rid ourselves of the Federal Reserve System, without any help from Congress which is who foisted the mess on the American People to begin with. It would as an institution wither on the vine so to speak, for no entity is above objective reality. The Fed could print, and print, and print, and if no one would use their product then it would just be an obsolete institution that would go away.
                                                                                   Ownership of property is absolutely necessary for the existence of a free society, ones home, ones means of shelter and survival lie in the ability to have property to be used as we deem necessary, to protect us from the elements as shelter, and yet in our times it is taxed, and assessed as if it is a privilege handed out to individuals by the graces of those governing our cities and States. Municipalities and States feed off of an unalienable right, as parasites, depriving true ownership to any property owner,   mind you I am not speaking against taxes per se here, there is no question that any government to exist must receive revenue, but to take the most basic right, ownership of property, and attach a payment that is required for life to it, well then by any objective measure ownership ceases to exist does it not ? Encouraging a more proper structure of taxation is what is necessary, which would require the action of many individuals to achieve, but in so doing you are ending the parasitical nature of property taxes, and are encouraging more individuals to become franchised in the system of rights and ownership,  
                                                                                    Our nation existed without modern welfare programs until the mid 1960's, and with the creation of these programs created a system of dependency that we live with today. For most poor people it pays more to stay within the system than it does to leave and become independent. The political creation of a class of parasites is one of the most abominable acts that could exist in this country, to enslave productive people to ensure the impoverishment of others is truly the most diabolical thing any people's of this planet could do to another. It is sickening that such a system was created in the name of " helping ", when in fact it degrades those who pay for it, and those confined to it. Again I am not opposed to helping others, in fact encourage everyone to help those in need if at all possible, to sacrifice wealth to need is a criminal act however, and reduces the productive to a form of slavery, that they would never be freed from. There will always be someone who is poor, there will always be someone who is in need, but to enslave an individual to permanent servitude is a parasitical act that in the end destroys freedom. It is a bondage to which one can never be freed. This type parasitical behaviour must be fought on moral, and intellectual grounds by those who cherish freedom.
                                                                                    If you are a person who lives to be free, if you are a person that values the rights that are bestowed upon us by God, or by nature, or by reason, however it  is you individually have come to conclude in your own mind that those rights inherent to being human exist, If you no longer wish to be a victim, then it is important to know what being free is, and then to take the necessary actions required to achieve that freedom. Otherwise by giving sanction, by allowing evil to continue to reign over you, being a victim is precisely what you will continue to be.