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Thursday, August 4, 2011

An American Spring

The divide between left and right in our country is certainly heating up, in particular due to the national debate on the debt ceiling argument that has taken place in the last few weeks within the nation. We have indeed reached the financial precipice of what could be called reasonable tax collection in this nation, any further point of taxation on corporations, investments, retirement accounts or individuals would be a gross misconduct of the rights of individuals and  would precipitate action on the part of the government that would  by definition be confiscatory; indeed criminal. Further more a redistributionist policy  that has given untold trillions of dollars to a non productive portion of society as well as transfer a significant portion of wages from those that are the producers of this society to an " Entitled " portion of the citizenry has reached a point where general services may not be afforded, nor may we be able to maintain an effective military to guarantee that we even have a nation.We have become a nation that hands out money that has not even been earned to others in the world, and in our nation, and still there are individuals who believe we have not given enough. None other than Al Gore has stepped forward with his notion of the " peaceful " revolution he aspires for,  calling for an " American Spring " in a nation  that has spent more money on entitlements, welfare programs, subsidies, and foreign aid than any nation in history. I believe it is a disgrace to use such a term in this country, given the suffrage that many in the Middle East have had to endure. It is an appalling lack of intellectual fortitude or insight to act as if such a revolution is needed in this country, as a matter of fact what would be a more accurate comparison would be the call for a  People's revolution similar to that of  Russia or China to be accurate.  Mr. Gore portends to ask for increased democracy sighting that the wealthiest in the nation are not making their fair contribution for the benefit of the collective as he deems to define democracy
                                                             Typically Al speaks in generalizations and chooses not to be specific, but one thing he was specific on was that a Tea Party revolution was not what he is talking about, so it is clear then indeed a peoples revolution is what Al has in mind. So given what this country already has in place for the safety net, social security , medicaid, medicare what then does dear Al propose ? Paid time off for maternity leave ? Government run day care, and health care facilities ? More publicly funded recreation centers ? How about free education at all levels would that be more in line with his idea of revolution ? No I got it, subsidies for food at the grocery store for every one earning under $ 200,000 per year and while we are at it we can have electric trains that run the span of the whole country, from city to city powered of course by subsidized windmills. Let's get real revolutionary how about Paid vacations that include foreign travel with the cost's sent to the United States Federal Government ( actually the Nazi's had such a program in place early on when they took power ) and heck why not have health breaks from work that would be paid, and mandated for all employers.

                                            It is embarrassing really to have someone who was once a Senator, and a Vice President of this country actually suggest that a revolution especially in this country should be based on anything other than absolute liberty. In history it is easy to find the tyrants, the world has known for the most part nothing less. The real revolutionary's are those that create freedom for the individual, and fight for the right for an individual to create wealth and gain property for their own sake. Al continues to be boorish in his behaviour, and he once again has demonstrated a complete lack of intellect, it is amazing that any one at all pays any attention to him. At the very least, he has proven to be the brunt of many jokes, as it should be. The man and his ideas are just that .... a complete and utter joke.

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