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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Sage and his folly

Seems like Warren is at it again. Of course it is not his first time espousing his version of statist propaganda, however it is disheartening at times to see such wealth amassed amongst such ignorance. There were many wealthy industrialist who favored Mussolini, and later Hitler. Even Henry Ford was eager to do business within the Third Reich. The puppets in the press who parrot whatever tripe the Statist wish to have repeated are willing accomplices to the perpetration of ignorance. More taxes, more money, more power. Warren seems to be making headlines again for his statements about the rich who need to contribute more. Oh the Sage from Omaha has spoken from on high, and look with all his wealth even Warren himself sees the need to pay more, and more, and more why it is just not fair he and his ilk are not forced to surrender more of their property to the Central Authorities, while those Mignon's who to not have our status in wealth pay more.
                                                                        While I can sympathize with Mr. Buffett and his egalitarian principles, I am more concerned that the Sage does not have a more fundamental American attitude. NO American should pay taxes. Period. The idea that an American should surrender their wealth, at any level is ridiculous, and absurd. Liberty and property the foundations of this nation have been long forgotten. Those basic principles are not even topics of discussion with the Statist in the governing class who rule not as representatives, but rather as Lords who wish to control their serfs. The arguments for taxation today are framed in such a way as if it is a metaphysical absolute that Washington or any State Capitol in our union is automatically decreed by right to the wealth created in our society, the question then being before us is how much and who should pay what share.
                                                                       Government needs revenue in order to function, of that I do not question. Where we are at today however is far from the idea of a Central Authority that is keeping peace and order amongst it's Citizens. Our system of governance today is about more than defense of our nation ( which is important of course ) and ensuring domestic tranquility. It has become a monster that has unleashed itself into every fabric of existence. It is a master that wants to demand that it makes the rules in your life from the moment you wake up, and right until you lay yourself into a bed weary from a days work. Your every movement thruout the day is touched by some form of law or regulation, in every step or direction your life is touched by a law, decree, or reform that some form of government has instituted into your life, and somehow Mr. Buffett and those who think like him believe that he and those who has wealth like he has should pay more for this. I will ask him the question that no one else will, Why would you subject yourself or anyone else to that form of slavery, and do it willingly ?

                                                                     I have always been amazed that those who are successful in business are the least capable of defending freedom and capitalism. The very system that allows individuals to pursue their dreams, create wealth, to succeed in creating a better life for themselves and those around them, are the least capable of defending the very system that makes that happen. In the end of it all if you make a deal with the devil, the devil always wins. Or as they say in a casino, the house always wins. You cannot bargain with someone who does not have your interest at heart, and with the modern governing class, freedom is not what is at the top of there list. Control and power is. Party is irrelevant. If the discussion is not premised on freedom, then there is no discussion. Mankind has a long history of control over peoples lives. It is time to change the discussion, the nature of the debate, and the direction the debate is going in.
                                                                  As far as taxes go, we should all as citizens pay an equal amount. I do not believe in the Progressive point of view that those who have more should pay more, In a free country that should be offensive. The excise tax for imports should be considered for imports to help pay for keeping our country the best place on Earth to do business. Those from abroad who wish to do business here should pay a fair share for that as well, domestically an implementation of a National Sales tax should be put in place, and then eliminate the current tax code, and income tax, as well as the tax on Capital Gains and savings. The sales tax would be paid by all equally regardless of station in life. It would be the cost that all Citizens pay for the functioning of a legitimate government and it's services. There is nothing wrong with paying for what we as a people need for the " common good " but pitting one group of Americans against another is a disgusting ploy used by politicians. We the people are the only ones that can put a stop to that. And stop it we must. I do not envy Mr. Buffetts wealth, nor should anyone else. He has worked hard to earn what he has made. I would just like him to respect that I have worked hard for mine as well and wish to have the same respect in return. Warren and I both know, that corporations do not pay taxes. Very wealthy people who can afford very good lawyers do not either.  Let's end the game, become citizens of liberty, pay for what we need and nothing else, and all pay an equal amount regardless of who you are, or what you have. That is equality. That is the American system at it's roots, and that is what the founders had in mind when this nation was formed. If you demand it, you will get it. Otherwise we are all just fighting for the spoils the political class have left us. That should end as well. The power is in your hands. Are you going to use it ?