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Friday, August 12, 2011

It's the lord of the flies......

London ............... August of 2011 after what started out as a presumed protest over the death of a suspected drug dealer, has transformed itself into a descent of disorder and chaos over envy, over wealth, over the absolute lack of morality. It has happened in the midst of one of the worlds greatest Empires. It has happened in a nation that has one of the most extensive welfare systems on the planet. It has happened within a nation that has one of the greatest accumulations of wealth. Yet, still the rioting as it transformed itself, was over an "I'm gonna get mine" mentality, no rule of law, no moral code to draw from, no sense of private property, and it took the grownups, just as it did in the movie or the book if you prefer; to put an end to the whole affair. The rioters were all youth, some as young as nine years old, out on the streets late at night, wandering, with no supervision. This is a sign of worse to come. When parents no longer take control of their children, when young adults rationalize theft, when the outlook of a young person is " they have theirs over there, now I am gonna get mine " can there be a glimmer of hope for the future ? How can their be any confidence that this generation of young people who are the future, of continuing the tradition of human rights, private property, and the rule of law when all that is known to exist as the rules of society happens to be mob rule ?
                                                                      Great Britain is not a third world country. It has a public health system, a public education system, it has a retirement system, public transportation, parks, recreation the list of opportunities that do not exist in third world nations are widely available in Great Britain, astonishing enough though, the British press, and political entities wonder if there is not enough. It is astounding to me to see young people on the streets with enough wealth to have a Blackberry smart phone ( apparently the phone of choice because of the BBM program ) and designer clothes and well fed complaining they don't have enough, and someone actually taking the time to give that argument credence. How can any one look at this with out wondering if Great Britain with all it's resources today cannot satisfy it's people,  especially the young of there country, turn around in the same breath and not ask what government can ?
                                                              There is an answer to that. NO government can. The reason is, and always will be is that it is not the function of government to make it's people happy. Fascist, and Socialists continue to insist that they can, and keep continuing with the ideology that all that is needed is " more " , however at the end of the day, it will as a philosophy and practice continue to fail,what eventually comes to light is that " more " happens to be less. Happiness will never, cannot ever be achieved by a handout. It will never be achieved by a comprehensive welfare system. There is no amount of money that can be printed or taxed to give someone self worth. There is a limit to the value of appreciation for redistribution. The level of appreciation falls according to the level of demand that is met. There lies the problem. The answer in our time, continues to be ignored. As long as the British, or any other people continue to adhere to a mentality of being the victim, or better yet, allow the perpetrator to victimize their benefactor, then what we are witnessing in London is just the beginning of a gruesome tide.


  1. And it could happen here in the Unites States as well. Excellent commentary.

  2. Thank You, and I fear it may happen here If we do not take the time and energy to create a solid moral code of ethics for our society.
