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Monday, August 15, 2011

The Idle threat

It never ceases. Of course it never will. The extent to which Federal and local governments will trouble themselves over the daily lives and activities of individuals in our society is remarkably awesome. I must say that the latest piece of legislation that was being announced on this morning's news after completely stunning the senses, completely deprives me of any sensibility. More over, the enthusiasm displayed by individuals who preside over public policy in regard to  such legislation which at first is completely frightening, and then after having a few moments to digest such sincerity, enables me to understand that this is not a nation of freedom. Liberty is the last thing on legislative minds control, over your thoughts, your actions, your very way of life, from the time you wake in the morning until you lay down to go to sleep, from the moment you are born, until the moment you are laid in the grave. The Idle threat is more than just a threat, it is an action only being considered in Ann Arbor, but has already been enacted in other States as law. The Idle law is simple, if you let a vehicle idle in public for more than 5 minutes you will be ticketed
$ 100.00 and if it is a commercial vehicle that is idling than the fine is $ 500.00. In the case of Ann Arbor what is before the City Council is a law which aims to educate the public on the damage that can occur when prolonged  idling vehicles stand around in the open and create dangers to the environment.
                                                                        It is now not enough for those that govern that we as the public pay higher prices for fuel blends, which vary from state to state creating shortages of summer fuel for vehicles, it's not enough for the governing elite that we have parts added to our automobiles for the safety of the environment that add thousands of dollars to the purchase of the vehicles, it is not enough that in some states you have mandatory inspections on vehicles at the owners expense for the emissions to be tested, but now the general public seems to be to stupid to know what is in there own good, so we must fine the public for letting a car run for more than 5 minutes, and actually take time for the police to issue such a ticket for the violation of such.
                                                                     Apparently the legislative body of the City of Ann Arbor is somewhat disappointed that they did not propose this as a national first as well. Of course what is sure to follow is the argument for this at the State level. After all Ann Arbor is just one city, and can you not see that if the city of Jackson allows vehicles to idle, than the pollution from that city then would endanger the health and welfare of the citizens of Ann Arbor, and from there the city of Detroit ? It would not be just to allow the environment to be destroyed by rouge municipalities who do not have the wisdom or enlightenment to protect the environment, and it would be absolutely necessary for the State of Michigan to pass legislation for such a criminal and heinous act would it not ? It is not fair that only the City council of Ann Arbor has to burden it's public with such a law, and would make them less competitive in business so for fairness the State must act for all cities to comply do you not agree ?
                                                                          Just think with such legislation passed at a State wide level the amount of energy and fuel that would be saved, not to mention the amount of pollution that would be reduced to the air, so we can all breathe easier, and the reduction of health care costs that would follow as well. there would be lower costs to the public medical system as well with the strict enforcement of the Idle law. Why as a matter of fact the State legislature could raise the fine to $ 500.00 for individuals and
$ 2,000.00 for business vehicles and then those monies could go into the Medicaid and Medicare trust funds to be used for offsetting health care costs caused by damage due to the pollution caused by idling vehicles.
                                                                     Government you see in it's modern form has never been about liberty or freedom. It is not designed for freedom. It is not designed for liberty. It's design is strictly to keep you and I as individuals as slaves kept for the purpose of enriching the fantasy's of those in power alive. To keep there vision of what a society should look like intact. To ensure that the power does not lay at the hands of the people, but rather at the hands of the rule makers. The threat to liberty from legislation like this is not idle, it is real. It has taken place. It will continue to grow. With each passing day as we let it continue, our journey to serfdom continues.


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