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Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Having announced the new proposed CAFE standards I love reading how the administration has put forward  the cooperative language to the public. The sort of language one would read from say " The Peoples Daily, or the DPRK News. You know the one that describes just how rosy and wonderful life is when government officials take it upon themselves to tread in areas that they are not qualified to lead in such as business let's say. One line put forth in Popular Mechanics read  " It's official the government and automakers have settled on the new 2025 CAFE standards. " Like the automakers have a choice. What is really meant by this is that the government has slightly reduced it's demands on the automakers, ......... for now. This is the point where I wish there were someone like Hank Rearden in our midst. Could you imagine Bill Ford sitting across from the President and saying: Mr. President I can appreciate that you are unsatisfied with the way my family makes cars, however there are millions, some of whom put you in office, who beg to differ with your point of view, but rather than waste my time and effort fighting for my right to own a family business, I will sell all my family assets of value today, and give you the company to run as you see fit, after all you and Congress already own General Motors, and your claim to success is a $50,000 dollar battery run car that can't pay for itself, or the investments put forward to design and make it, but hey who am I to impede on progress, especially Sir .... with some one who has the talent you have at running a business.
                                                                             Just think of the headlines that would be created for the defense of the administration and it's right to order business to conduct itself in a politically appropriate fashion. Ohhhhh the press would call for Mr. Fords head on a platter to defy such authority. The satisfaction though that it would bring to those who believe in Liberty to hear a prominent leader stand up for the right to own property. To use it in a way that the owner individually sees fit. To finally stand up to an administration and declare " This is mine. Keep your hands off ! " Imagine the power that Mr. Ford could then yield, as he is sitting across from the table with the President he could lean over and with a slight smile and say : ohhhh .... and by the way before I give you the Company I am going to lay off  Every employee, that is on salary or paid hourly, and then you can hire your own staff of people to run the company the way I know you can do.  The look of slight surprise and shock at such a moment would be priceless. One can only dream I suppose.
                                                                    At the end of the day, Hank Rearden was a fictional character, and of course Atlas Shrugged was a work of fiction that most establishment Intellectuals scoff at. Of course in all fiction there is a grain of truth, which is why fiction is so fascinating to read. The power that we the people hold is indeed limitless. Those who are the lawmakers really are our servants, to do as we bid them to do. If they refuse; the power of there removal is in our hands as a people. This is the year that we have seen the Arab Spring rise, and the removal of dictators and tyrants is spreading through out the world, here in this country however obedience and servitude to the state is the order of the day, at a greater risk to our security, our safety, and our liberty. What we need our more real life Hank Rearden's. If indeed Liberty is what the modern American truly cherishes.

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