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Thursday, July 28, 2011

A World of Two Realities

                                       Limited government, sovereignty of the individual, the rights of man. Principles that set this country apart from any other nation on this earth. It is a rich legacy, it was or rather is an enlightened legacy handed to us in our contemporary time thru literature, and documents debated, analysed, scrutinized by some rather prophetic individuals. It has been historically the nature of most established governments to increase it's power, and control over it's citizens, or people depending on the form of governance, until the system implodes. The power that any government has as it pertains to the money it collects comes from the individuals that are productive within the society. I realize I am being simplistic, however it seems to me that in our day and age we as a country are so bogged down with the idea that it is imperative, it is essential, that the scope, size, and intervention of Washington D.C. in our daily lives is crucial to the very republic, that if it were not for the intervening, controlling, regulating, or mandating,  that emanates from the Central Planners in Washington that we as individuals would fall apart, and die. If the President did not put on his royal robes, and the Lords of the Senate were not contemplating the depth and breath of our existence then we the citizens of what I had presumed to be of this great nation, why we would cease to exist. Our lives and our good fortunes would cease to exist with out the meddling interference of Lords of the Manor from on high on the mountaintop called Washington D.C.
                                                                     At least that is the view I believe the political class has of things. Our debt, our deficits, both of the past, and what we will incur in the future stem from the view that without the interventionist, welfare system that is currently in place the entire economy will collapse. I have news for anyone that will listen. At it's current trend, it will collapse any way. It is a model that cannot exist at it's current pace. What is even more alarming is that a sitting United States Senator has the audacity to ridicule the citizenry, and call them " Hobbits "  and act as if reigning in the spending and reducing the power of the Central authority is anathema to being ignorant, shows that those in power have no desire to curb spending, or reduce the influence over the lives of those who put them their. There are two different realities that exist in our country, one that believes the money belongs to Washington, and should be dispersed as they see necessary and in the form they deem appropriate, and the other is that those in Washington need to step back a let free people live their lives as they see fit. I cannot understand a sitting Senator who actually believes going deeper in debt to save money down the road, actually believes, or more importantly thinks he can convince us to believe a scenario where Our Federal Capital will not spend more than they take in. An American Empire lite has taken place. The only resolution is to refuse to send money to Washington. If the checks start to bounce, then objective reality will start to take place, and the money will no longer be there to spend and play with, and our Lords of the manner will then have to take their place in history as one more band of anti conceptual  lunatics who have refused to see the forest thru the trees.
                                                                Persuasion I feel is useless, the welfare state and it's sycophants will try to reduce freedom to Washington granting favours. If the cost is more than is being generated, the plan will be to confiscate more from the productive, and if the productive cry for their rights to ownership of property, and sovereignty then they will be demonized, and coerced into submission. Compromise is the word of the day, after all how can any proper government operate with anything less than 4 trillion dollars in the next year or two. Sitting Senators will think you are a kook if you are not willing to hand over your savings, your labor, your individual comfort so that they may rule from on high. Congressman who snap pictures of themselves nude will ridicule any one who balks at paying more taxes, after all the Social Security taxes individuals pay is only 7 %, heck whats a percentage or two more from the working class who dare rebuke our authority.
                                                                   As long as we the people allow this type of arrogance to exist, as long as we succumb to the statist argument that more is needed, then we the people should forget about liberty, and recognize with honesty that this is not a republic, but a fascist mixed economy. If an enlarged Welfare State is what the majority of the people want, then all I can offer is be prepared to pay for it. I think your gonna be real surprised at the cost you will have to bear.

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