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Monday, July 11, 2011

Il Duce !

 Mr. Paul Krugman wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times on the 10th of July titled " No We Can't, or Won't " with his assertion being that the economy of the United States has been stuck in a rut for the last year and a  half. His premise, at least one premise with in the article any way, the one that caught my attention more than anything else in the article  was " creating jobs in a depressed economy is something government could and should be doing ". Really ? What Mr. Krugman does not tell his readers, or go into any depth explaining to his readers is how  he had come to the conclusion that government should be creating jobs, nor did he take the time to explain if government could create jobs. Real jobs. It is I take it, a forgone conclusion then that in the United States a nation founded on liberty, and freedom, the purpose of our government, that is our government " of the people, for the people, and by the people " is to create jobs.Why stop at a time of depression ? Why not guarantee every one a job ? Why not call the United States the people's republic ?  Would that not be more consistent ?
                                  Mr. Krugman has insisted for several years now that deficit spending to spur the economy on public works projects is sorely needed ( as did his philosophical father IL Duce ) it is the Socialist answer to all economic ills, a model that has been proven to be a failure time, and time again. Read this excerpt........Mussolini launched several public construction programs and government initiatives throughout Italy to combat economic setbacks or read Herr Krugman: Think about it: Where are the big public works projects? Where are the armies of government workers? .........As you can see deficit spending, public works projects, and increasing taxes are all the Progressives have for an answer. A one line play book, designed by statist over 90 years ago.
                                       By listening to progressive economic ideas what the President and his predecessor missed was the importance of the price mechanism in the economy, had Banks that had issued bad loans gone out of business, there would have been room for Banks that were solvent to step in a purchase the bad assets at fire sale prices. If homes are allowed to foreclose, and new owners who have the cash to pay for them at bargain basement prices, are allowed to then be the new owners, the housing crisis would come to an end. Instead what statist politicians, and interventionist progressives prefer is the idea of inflation to keep prices up in the economy rather than seeking their bottom. This only perpetuates the problem, which is one of the main reasons the Great Depression was prolonged for the length of time it went on.
                               Our economy to succeed needs to return to it's free market roots. We need to end subsidies, in particular for failed automobile companies, as well as banking institutions. Mr. Krugman would be correct in his analysis if his premises were correct. However they are not.
        What we need in our economy in order to make it thrive, is a world of liberty.

For further reading on this please follow these links:

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