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Friday, July 8, 2011

What is the Debt Really About ?

                                            The budget news in Washington somehow has really bored me, I do not think of myself as a cynic but what is there to this story ? The United States government has, and is spending too much money. Period. That's a story ? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. A quick look at the Office of Management and Budget, as well as the White House website show that the proposed budget for FY 2012 is 3.7 trillion dollars. And they already know there will be a shortfall. Let me say that again......THEY ALREADY KNOW THERE WILL BE A SHORTFALL. The country we are in debt to the most right now is China. The Chinese government has already publicly stated that there will be consequences for a default on the debt payments if Congress considers taking that course of action. So I just want to ask amongst friends here; why would anyone spend more money than there taking in ? Oh and by the way before you answer that keep this in mind, the government is taking in 2.2 trillion dollars. That's right boys and girls we are taking in 2.2 trillion dollars now. Somehow it strikes me as wrong that we send that much to Washington, and by the way that is just what we send to Washington ( that means more to your State, and local municipality ) and it is not enough. Guess what; it will never be enough. Off of the top of my head I could name a few Federal Departments we could close tomorrow, and the world would not  come to an end. In fact life would go on just fine. For example The Department of Labor, The Department of Agriculture, The Department of Education,  The Environmental Protection Agency. We could close  all of these departments tomorrow and we will all still be able to live healthy productive lives. Also most State governments already have these Departments so why not save a trillion and not go in debt and just close these Departments ? I suppose I am just to simple of a person to ask such a question,  I mean after all, we do pay Congressman and there staffs to tell us the people that these are necessary functions of government, and I am sure they are quite sincere when they tell the public this with a straight face.

                                                                  For my money ....... the bet is we will get the 3.7 trillion dollar budget, the higher taxes to pay for it, there will be loopholes for large corporations, or corporations based outside the U.S., and the debt will be passed along to another generation......... oh and if you think you are going to retire in the next 15 years........... he he he he he he he he........

                                                Any Takers ?

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