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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dear Mr. President...........

                                                                I have to admit....... I actually woke up this morning thinking the President needed my advice on something, and I actually had the arrogance to think that he would listen. After all I am a reasonably well informed citizen, and he professes that he is open to all ideas. So let's pretend that all of you are the President of the United States, and I am just an ordinary, but well informed, deeply concerned citizen trying to help your ( or his in this case) political career and the country both at the same time, and in this scenario, just keep in mind I have no ambition for your office, I have no desire to reside in Washington D.C. ( after all it's not even a State, so how important can the place be ? ) I just know that if you follow my advice, the economy will perk up rather nicely, folks will become productive taxpaying citizens, and we as a nation can once again feel good in taking care of our neediest of citizens improve our infrastructure, and be the place in the world where everyone wants to be, because this will be where you can make Lot's of money and have fun doing it all at the same time.So Mr. President here is my advice:

                                                                    1) What needs to desperately take place for the economy to start moving is to spur private investment. Capital formation is not taking place in this country, you have relied to much on the Central Bank, and Banks in general to be the major source of Capital in our society. Ditch that model, mind you a bank has a role in the formation of Capital, but there should be more competition in the marketplace. Private equity, savings, issuance of stock, Private cash holdings in the hands of individuals are methods far more productive than a credit system by a Central Bank. And one of the best ways to accomplish this is to work with Congress on: ending all taxation on savings accounts.End the Capital Gains taxes. End all taxes on the sale of Stocks and bonds. Allow 401(k) accounts to go completely untaxed as the Roth IRA does.Also include in this that any Capital from abroad in savings accounts or purchase of bond or stocks, should go completely untaxed.

                                                                      2) Taxes. No one sir disagrees that government needs revenue. The question is how much, and for what purpose. We can all reasonably disagree on what the legitimate function of government should be, that after all is what a society is about. But what is important for a strong economy is predictability. Calculations need to be made by everyone for economic consideration, these calculations determine whether or not a project, or purchase will go forward. So let's make it simple. A national sales tax for the end user of a product, or service for the whole country. No deductions, no loopholes, everyone pays. It's fair, it's simple, it's predictable. The States can decide for themselves how they wish to raise revenue, that is not a Federal matter, what you and I are concerned with here Sir is the Federal Revenues.
                                                                      3) The Budget. We currently take in according to CBO 2.2 trillion dollars. Set our budget on that framework, and adjust our spending accordingly. We can pay our bills on a 60 to 90 day framework. Business does it all the time. We can to. If we find there is a shortfall, then we adjust the budget quarterly, sitting down with Congress and finding out the priorities is going to be important, but that is what a good leader does, it will be up to you And whomever is in charge of the House to figure that out, but realize we must live within our means. Debt no matter what any one else tells you is not a good thing.

                                                                       4) Money. Our money is a fiat currency, that needs to come to an end. Hayek pointed out that money needs tangible assets to give currency value, Gold is the tradition, but there are a multitude of options, this country has a large portfolio of tangible assets that can be set aside, to be used solely for the purpose of giving our currency value. Again what the market needs is predictability. Rather than worry about the strength of the Dollar, sit down with Mr. Bernanke, and Congress a decide a level of value, keep assets aside to maintain that value, and leave well enough alone. If Ben doesn't want to play this way, replace him, and in the meantime allow the Treasury to issue Dollars with intrinsic value. Watch how fast Ben and the boys start to play team ball.

                                                     I know Sir you have a lot on your plate, and I tend to drone on and on....... so before the caffeine you so generously offered really kicks in, I will stop here for now, and try to keep things simple. Take your time to think this through, give it a couple of days, and then I encourage you to go forward with this 4 point plan with boldness, and courage.If you decide not to follow this advice, or may be unsure if you agree, please let me know within a week, I know a few other folks who are interested in your job, and coming into office with a sound strategy for the economy I am sure is number one on their list.

                            Thanks, and Good Day to you Sir !

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