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Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Resolution of Liberty

                                                          The Lee Resolution was brought to Congress for the expressed purpose of Declaring Independence. The resolution was voted on in 1776 July the 2nd. It was approved. The formal declaration was revealed to the public on the 4th of July 1776. The Declaration was intended to be a statement expressing grievances against the crown, thus justifying the move to independence, the Declaration however became something much broader, and more bolder than declaring independence, it became a statement declaring " The Rights of Man " and the legitimacy of self governance.
                                                                     The Lee resolution was being debated over for a period of  days, and finally had been adopted. What led to this resolution ? Why would a Colony of subjects decide to overthrow the rule of a King ? How did these " Americans " come to the conclusion that the crown had only " Their "  best interest at heart, rather than the interest of the common good ? Benjamin Franklin would have been one of those founders who had an influence on this, for example while traveling in Europe, his visit to Ireland gave him first hand observance of the level of poverty that had been inflicted on the Irish because of the trade restrictions installed there, his fear was that those same restrictions would impoverish the American colonies as well. Mr. Franklin had been able to obtain private letters from then Governor Hutchinson. The " Hutchinson Letters Affair " demonstrated quite conclusively that the Rights of Bostonians were to be quelled with the aid of London.
                                                            The Intolerable acts having been enacted over a period of years after the Seven Years War, were viewed as being hostile to the American Colonies. The Quebec Act though not directly intended to effect Massachusetts, was seen in any event as a punishment for behaviour of independent political will, and was a tool to keep the Colonies in Disciplined order for the Crown. There was no doubt that the most powerful Nation on the globe at that time had every intention of keeping the American Colonies subjugated to the will of a King. General Washington at this time was facing the British during the siege of Boston. British Cannon's had fired on the town of Boston, and soldiers sent out to find munitions and weapons. Could the message be any clearer ?
                                                             The Lee Resolution was quite bold. The very act itself was a message to a King. It flatly stated you have no dominion here. For it's time it was an unthinkable act. The consequences for such an act surely meant death. The Empire continually stepped up more aggressive measures for every act of " rebellion " it saw from the colonies. And now a declaration from it's people that claims, we no longer want, or need you, or further more desire to serve you. An entirely unprecedented act. We are seeing similar parallels in our more contemporary times, the " Arab Spring "  and the violence in China are signs that the Human condition is to seek liberty. By understanding our founders, perhaps we can further understand others who desire to live " In a World of Liberty".

For further reading on this please follow these links:

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