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Friday, July 29, 2011

how you tell when a politician is lying

It has been an interesting week, I do believe we are on the edge of seeing history in the making. it is comical to see the theatrics and the contortions put into play. Speaker Boehner just can't muster votes to please the masses and his puppet masters. Oh the pain, how to raise billions in spending while calling it a budget cut, how he must root for the days of Tip O'Neil, wearing buttons on his jacket lapel that say " Reality is negotiable " ........ it's just not fair, why is this Congress faced with the hard task of living within it's means, while sessions of Congress in the past have just been able to pass the buck....... Oh the pain...... the pain...........

                                                                                   You just know this raising the debt is about spending more money on the hopes of paying later, check this out from the LA Times :

                                       Late in the evening, still about eight votes short, Boehner and his allies considered changes to the bill. One point of contention has been that the bill would allow billions of dollars for the Pell Grant program, which provides scholarships to low-income college students. That rankles conservatives who want to cut — not add — money. Cutting Pell Grants could win over a few conservatives, congressional officials said.

                This has never been about cutting the budget, it's not even about the excessive spending, it is a way to keep spending without having to pay the bill. It's like going to a restaurant with someone and they leave to go to the parking lot, waiting for you to pay the bill.You can argue the merits of any Federal program that uses taxpayer dollars, at the end of the day the Treasury collects 2.2 trillion dollars. They collective in Congress, and the Executive Branch want to spend just shy of 4. These clowns are in agony over a debt ceiling that was created by law, and for once Congress has to obey a law it has passed......... they must have forgotten to exempt themselves from their own law .......... which is how Congress gets to use accounting tricks that no other body in the country, public or private can use...

                                                               All the talk of cutting spending is pacification to keep the masses happy for a moment or two........ why look at the spending on Pell Grants. I am just wondering what other things to the LA Times forget to mention ?


  1. The L.A. Times will say anything that they think their constituents will be swayed by. (I know, I live here) Pell Grants, as if that's the big elephant in the room?
    I watched Reid, Schumer and Schumer's little "Greek Chorus" Durbin tonight; they just can't imagine that Republicans are holding back because half the American people want them to stand hard against another debt ceiling rise.
    I look at it as calling your Credit Card company when you're in massive debt and asking if they'll raise your limit. how's that going to help you?
    I'm a friend of your old band buddy....he says to say HI. :-)
    Good luck with your blog!

  2. Well tell him I said Hello back and thank you. Your rightthe Pell Grants are not the big elephant in the room but there was some contradiction in a bill proposing Billions of dollars of spending while talking about debt ceiling's in my opinion, which is more to the point, within 5 years I predict the
    federal BUDGET will be around 5 trillion with spending being one to two trillion over that. This madness must stop. Thanks for stopping by !
