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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stay tuned..... Sorry for the delay.......

I have been sitting on this story for a few days doing some research, I have been trying to get a hold of one of the authors of the article, but have not been able to get in touch with her, I have also been trying to get a hold of the person that the  article was about. His name is Ronnie Bryant, and there were a few articles in various news outlets about him. In fact he is being referred to as the new John Galt. Perhaps that is true, but I have some immediate reservations, in particular with such a use of  a fundamental figure ( albeit fictional ) and I have not been convinced that it is an accurate reference.
                                                                            Ronnie is a miner. He does have a coal mining buisness. He did have a permit. There are indeed 3 Federal agencies that have tried to block him from starting to mine for coal, even though he already has a permit. Those facts are undisbuted. There are many unanswered questions in regards to the story, poor writing ? I am not sure. It is true Ronnie said he would quit. That is a stroy itself.

                                                    If I can get the details I want....... I promise a good post..........

Here is the story I read :

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