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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thanks Jen........ but we got it from here !

The former Governor of Michigan it seems has decided that, 1) She has something to say that we either want, or need to hear,  2) and has drawn the conclusion that what she has to say is of some importance to the Nation and the State of Michigan at large. Sorry Jen, but you could not be more irrelevant. Consider that Michigan was the only State in the union to lose  population in the last 10 years, and one could only stand back in utter amazement that a former Governor of such a situation would have the audacity to believe at a personal level that her political conclusions have merit that are of any redemption, or validity. I always understood Richard Nixon post Presidency, despite his failures, he did have some keen insights that were worth consideration particularly in Foreign Affairs, even if you disagreed with Tricky Dick, you could at some level appreciate his input on certain matters, but our former Governor presided not only over a loss of population in Michigan, but over the greatest loss of jobs in this nation over that period. She was, and is always quick to blame forces outside of her control as she likes to define it, but she has never once taken the responsibility that the office she held was worthy of more accountability than she was ever capable of giving. That failure of leadership, and accountability coupled with an absolute ignorance of what the role of a free market plays in prosperity, as well as limited government is the downfall of those that rule as she does, what is more frightening is the absolute lack of introspection of the failure of that type of statist economics on the part of those that are it's strongest proponents. Reality does not exist with that type of thinking, mantras, slogans, and feelings rule, and if the brick wall stands before them, the orders will be to keep marching forward to go thru that wall, because it is not the failure to see objective reality that is the problem, the problem is that more individuals are not willing to sacrifice for the greater good. Mind you this is an " educated " individual. We should be as a people, deeply concerned by this type of behaviour, as well as the role it plays in guiding our current crop of the political class in this nation.
                                                                                                      In passages of her new book Jen seems to think that we as a people are not capable of handling the truth. Of course this is the truth as Jennifer herself has deemed to define it. She is an admirer of China and it's growth, and along with many in the political class, she has an admiration for the " system" that China has employed for it's prosperity. Government subsidies for certain industries, industrial policies, and more importantly Centralized planning for the economy at large. Although Jen was born in Canada, she was raised and educated in the United States, but somewhere along the way here heart is in the philosophy of the planned economy. Her intellectual ilk has overlooked one very important, defining factor in why China has begun to grow, and grow they will. It was because under the completely planned economy under the Mao regime, there was no economy. While the world around it was growing exponentially, China and it's people suffered real human tragedy. Innovation was never beyond the bicycle for transportation, and the shovel for digging. Capitalism was the evil, and needed to be ignored. Innovation if there were any at all came from the planners in the Capital, and the population at large in there collectives, and government run shops and factories, were all becoming impoverished as a matter of policy for an equality that is the promise of all collectivist societies. It was only after Deng Xiaoping began to steer away from those policies, and suggested a more market based economy that China even had an economy. So let me get this straight Jen........... I need to be completely broke, starving, and homeless, so you can introduce a policy that you and a few others have planned out, in order to achieve wealth and prosperity ? That's the solution to a prosperous economy ? Hey you know what..........? I'll pass.

                                                                                       She makes commentary also about freed up Capital leaving not only Michigan, but abroad as well, and remarks that the people are contradictory towards government on this matter; her statement: Why do Americans say they hate an active government, then get mad when government does nothing while " their "  jobs disappear, shows both an attitude of victimization, as well as condescension toward the very people that she was elected to serve. Quite frankly I am surprised by this statement. Small business across this state continually called for a more limited role from Lansing, in regulation and taxes during her time in office, and there was by no means at that time a desire from anyone to ask for Lansing's involvement in business, other than say from the UAW or the Teacher's unions for an active government, if anything the clarion call was for Lansing to " get out of the way" of business in Michigan over that period of time. This kind of thinking on her part however just demonstrates the rationalization that was employed during her tenure as Governor, and continues on in her mind that only an elite, with the wisdom and insight that common people just do not have the capacity for, or the proper collective insight into what procedures or policies are necessary for the collective good. There within itself of course is the problem. As Mises demonstrated, as Ayn Rand wrote in fiction, as Adam Smith himself has shown, an economy is not a collective organization, rather it is individuals pursuing their desires. The needs and wants of people are varied and diverse. Is that not what freedom is about ? There is no bureaucracy that will ever be known to man, that can predict the desires, wants, needs or whims of any population. There is no reason in nature for such an organization to exist. If you prefer the collective policies that China or any other statist government has in place, consider the cost of liberty to those people, and destruction to liberty centralized planning does to individuals within that society. Prosperity, and freedom coexist. One cannot exist without the other. History continues to show the more freedom a society has, and a stable currency to go with it, the more prosperous that society is. Those are the conditions necessary for capital formation, and wealth creation. Jenny never got that, and probably never will....... and that's okay; she is no longer in office, and her advice is no longer needed.
                                                                   From the bottom of my heart I wish Jen all the best,......... but you know what ....... we got it from here.......... Adieu !

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