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Monday, September 12, 2011

Our Historical Moment

I had not intended on writing today, this is a day in the United States that should be somber, and reflective. It is a day for hero's, of all types. We Americans know those hero's well. Some do not even have a name to us, others have names that will be etched in our memory forever. Some have worn uniforms, others are just ordinary citizens, but by all respects are none other than hero's.
                                                              The last 10 years has embarked our nation on a historical precedence that I don't believe we have fully grasped the full meaning of. I had originally thought that it would be appropriate to say that the last 10 years would be properly defined as the precedence of such dramatic proportion as to change the face of the nation forever. Perhaps that is inaccurate, and premature, and I would be willing to accept criticism for that point of view, and it's lack of proper insight. What is irrefutable though, is that the face of this nation, and it's future is changed by the history of the attacks on September 11th of 2001. What hasn't been identified is where we will go from here, and that is the context of what I am writing about. We will have to change, the next generation will have to endure the consequences of that change, and what needs to be contemplated is the effect on our nation because of that change, and our relationship with the rest of the world. No nation is an island, and if trade and commerce is what made us great, than we will be a member of the International community for many years to come. Our course of action in the past should lead us to ponder our course of action for the future.

                                                                                               One could argue effectively the merits or demerits of military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, however the fact remains that we have committed military action in these countries for our safety and security. Our policy has been to effect regime change, and defeat forces that are hostile to American, or more general Western ideas of governance. This battle has not concluded, nor is there an appearance of conclusion any time in the near future, and in the last 10 years we have committed personal, money, and material to this effort and an enormous expense to the lives and fortunes of our country. Mind you this is not an assault on the policy, but a recognition on what has transpired. The depth of the policy is more than just defeating an enemy, it is to assuage our opposition that Western values are not an assault, but a liberation, a liberation from tyranny; a liberation FOR freedom, rather than opposed to freedom. That endeavor has, whether we have realized it or not defined not only our future, but the future of the next few generations. The consequences, either for good or bad, are the consequences that they will have to live with. The decisions that have been made, and will continue to be made will dictate the course of events that those who are much younger will be influenced by, both here at home, and for those living abroad. That thought causes me to stop and think of the magnitude of the responsibility we have today, and in the events that are coming in the next year of our political discourse. I would dare say it concerns me deeply, for if one takes the effort to understand the why of major moments of history, you will find decisions, or lack of proper decisions made 20, 30, even 40 years previous have led to unforeseen consequences that have dictated unforeseen outcomes, and usually have ended in some form of tragedy, in loss of life, and property, and freedom.

                                                                                           American Manifest Destiny, along with Jefferson's notion of an Empire of Liberty have set precedence for the use of force in global conflict, with the outcome being that a free people have a duty to end tyranny where ever they see it. It is the moral obligation based on these premises to ensure that Liberty reigns supreme throughout the world, and it is the duty of those who are founded on liberty to ensure the continence of liberty to those who are betrayed of that level of freedom. In part, that is what guides our policies today, the danger in this however is that liberators, can become dictators, and the whole policy becomes a contradiction in fact, and execution. That is in part, caused by the ability to obtain a massive amount of  power, and we should  never forget Lord Acton's view on this. It can, and will cause corruption on many levels and to many degrees. We should tread carefully because of this axiomatic principle. Our present generation is not the only individuals left to deal with decisions made today.

                                                                                           Of course it is prudent to ask the question if Americans are not to be the leaders in this effort who will it be ? China ? Russia ? Cuba ? Freedom is not the temperament of most nations, and to those that do have a degree of that, it does not compare to the level that this country was founded on. We are by our nature, and foundation a radical people. That is not a bad thing is it ? Radicalism in the defense of liberty is a wonderful thing, in fact it is a necessary thing, because it is the course of history to oppose freedom, and to support tyranny. Our foundation as a nation was to ensure that RIGHTS reign supreme over all else, as envisioned by Thomas Paine and the " RIGHTS OF MAN" , but more importantly our system has allowed leadership at the individual level to flourish, and not rely on the leadership of one person, but rather a " collective "  leadership of free individuals, all pursuing their dreams and desires, thus promoting  peace, and a good order for all.

                                                                                        This reflection I hope is a wonderful outline for the next few years, for this day, this observance of such a magnificent tragedy will pass. The sun will rise tomorrow, and our lives will continue on, deadlines will have to be met, term papers will have to be written, clothes will need to be purchased, in other words " life will go on " and then the sun will set and another day will begin. Just because nature will continue, and our lives will progress onward does not mean that we will forget the events of 10 years ago, just the opposite, it is my opinion that we will spend more time looking backward to see where have have been, just to understand how we have gotten to where we are today. The only piece missing in the puzzle now is what do we want the future to portend. Our country has not asked that question, it has not been a part of the dialogue, nor has it been at the forefront of political debate. That is not necessarily a bad thing...... we have endured much, and really have not come to full terms with what has happened, after all we still have troops abroad because of what happened ( God bless them all ! ) on this horrible day 10 years ago, but at some point we would be wise to ask........Now What ?......... what ever that course is, and however it unfolds, my most sincere desire is that it is based on Liberty, Freedom, and Rights for all........because in my mind no other course of action supersedes the one of Liberty, Liberty as founded in this nation 235 years ago. I hope that you agree.

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