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Thursday, September 22, 2011

and .........Justice For All ?


                                         Justice: the maintenance or administration of that which is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims

                                                                So just what is justice ? To answer that, one must answer what is just which by definition is acting on what is morally good. So what is morally good ? Is there a multitude of definitions of good ? Are there a multitude of types of justice ?  I can think of quite a few types of justice. Economic Justice, Social Justice, there is blind justice, Global justice, environmental justice, there is racial justice, and I suppose if we searched long and hard we could continue with even more ideas of justice. For a moment or two I want to look at a couple ideas or types of justice.

                                                    Social Justice. A principle generally thought to mean equality and solidarity, the main tenant being that there is a respect for human dignity. It generally tends to coincide as well with economic justice, in essence that the dignity of workers, and laborers are paramount to the establishment of law, including laws regarding the workplace, and conduct of how a business conducts itself. A major tenant of the social justice school of though is a living wage, the idea that a defined minimum is the standard by which a worker shall be paid in order to have basic necessities, that meaning food, and shelter.
                                                     Economic Justice. Often seen in tandem with social justice, By definition touches individuals because it defines the social order of our economic institutions. It defines how we enter into contracts, exchange goods and services, as well as how we engage in our sustenance. The provision of our material production can be found in what is termed as economic justice, again including standards for work regulations, as well as minimum pay for the labor force.
                                                    Environmental Justice. Defined by the EPA of the United States as " the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people of the enforcement of environmental laws " using the natural resources as a means to ensure that any individual regardless of race, creed, or national origin of equal treatment in terms of quality of air, water, and land resources. The application of the environment as a means to ensure access to all citizens regardless of an individuals status in life of clean water, and air based on standards set by law.

                                                           The thought of justice is prompted by the Execution of Troy Davis. He had maintained his innocence right to the moment of his execution. There were many individuals who fought very hard to have his execution stopped. Amnesty International was at the forefront fighting to have his death by execution stopped. In the end after 22 years, and a hearing at the Supreme Court, Mr. Davis was executed for a murder, he had claimed right to the very moment of his death he did not commit. On the same day in the State of Texas a white supremacist was executed for the death of a man. He had tied him to the back of a pick up truck, drug him for over a mile, peeled his skin to the bone by this method until this man had died.
                                                        Is it just, or more importantly are we living in a just society, when in either situation there is a loss of life to two different individuals on the same day ? Please do not understand me too quickly, in the case of the execution in Texas, in my opinion we as a people were to kind, in fact I will bet that the skin of this man was swabbed with alcohol before the injection. Why ? Was this kind of mercy shown to his victim before he drug him like a piece of garbage on a dirt road ? You better believe he did not. But in our twisted sense of a macabre justice, we as a society do this anyway, that is ........ to make the preparation of injection as sterile as possible, and for what the individual will die within minutes anyway, are we afraid of post mortem infection ? In the case of Mr. Davis, I will not pretend I know enough about his case to even comment, and if indeed he is an innocent man ( I find it interesting that after 22 years he is not able to prove that ) then his execution was a complete injustice. I know this, we are human, we are not perfect, and we will never have perfection. With reason we can do all we as humans can to avoid damaging the rights of the innocent in our society, and we should. Examination of our process will be a continual thing, and that is all right. As for me, to know that the brutal murder of  James Byrd was met with the death of the animal that took his life, I am quite alright with that. There are times in my opinion when that sort of careless lack of respect for another persons life, should be met with the same lack of respect, in other words that to me is a just punishment, I feel that way about rape as well, for such brutality should be met with an equal if not greater brutality, it says to those who engage in that type of behaviour, that we as a society believe not in Just US....... but justice.
                                                                   With Liberty and Justice for all.......... the conclusion of the Pledge of Allegiance, Liberty, Justice can have different meanings to different people. We all have our common experiences. We all have our unique experiences, but our freedom, and ability to pursue it needs protection from those that would deprive us of it, is that not one of the foundations of established government ? I suppose given our different points of view we may not agree on how to make that happen, but I would ask an open question. If someone can be proven beyond doubt that they have taken the life of another citizen should that person then cede his or her life. I contend, that person should, you may differ, and that is okay, but keep in mind the most sacred thing you have is your life. To take that from someone should have the most dire consequences, and if execution is the method then it is a just form of punishment, but I also maintain the standards for the proof of such a crime and the eventual punishment of that crime should be extra ordinary. We are after all talking about the most sacred of our rights, and in the process of dealing with those who choose to violate those rights, we are burdened with protecting the rights of those who are innocent until proven guilty, that is the most complete form of Justice that I know of. If there exists a more perfect form of justice, then please.............. I am all ears.


  1. Justice, as you so eloquently pointed out, comes in many flavors ever since the inception of "justice" through the time when our Constitution was created and laws set in place, but I feel that, over the course of time until present, our sense of justice has become warped over the years and the biggest culprits of that has been greed, avarice, corruption of power, and last but not least, outright and malicious racism, as in the case of Troy Davis. Our founding fathers have turned in their graves.

  2. If there is injustice regardless of the reason, should we not then engage in the process of creating a more just society ? The tragedy of injustice is always within our power to correct, to not do so is an invitation to continue with a loss of liberty, which our constitution is designed to protect.
