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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sic Semper Tyrannis

The age old Latin phrase....... China has been embroiled in riots now for the last few years, at a time when there has been unprecedented growth in their economy. Ten percent growth, port cities that have structures that are the envy of the world, and yet there are riots involving distribution of wealth ? It has been fascinating to watch the command and control economy of China, of course it is easy to come from nothing, and build up an economy with certain Capital measures, but clearly the " People's Party " do not, and will not truly understand what makes a Liberal Capital society work. It was never the intention to understand how such a society works, rather it was about control, and more importantly how to maintain such control. Had the ruling elite of the Communist party taken a quick study of Praxeology ( as understood and written about by Ludwig Von Mises ) they would have concluded that Human Nature is not static, that the desires of individuals are in constant flux, and that a price mechanism in a society is the governing factor of the demand of those desires........ and it is PEACEFUL........coercion is not necessary, in fact it is undesirable in any society, but wealth for it's own sake was the goal of the leadership of the party, thus the predictable force, and eventually failure of the command and control Capital System of China.
                                                       Anecdotal as this may be, in the last few years I have had the occasion to meet some of the younger folks who are either studying here, or developing a business here, and what those young folks are after is the FREEDOM to pursue happiness as they individually define it...........nothing could be more American, nothing could be more promising, and nothing could be more desirable for the future of all people everywhere thru out the globe than to see such pursuit, but tyrants do not go away quietly, it is our duty to fight that tyranny in any way we can, and to encourage such young folks to find their dreams, and to pursue them at all costs, so that the next generation after them can enjoy there freedom as well.............
                  So that there may continue to be A WORLD OF LIBERTY.............SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS......... wherever they may be.

For further reading on this check out these links:,0,4800764.photogallery

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