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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Blaze or not to Blaze

I am not sure exactly how I feel.......... one the one hand just the fact that there are legislators who seem to partially understand that it is not THEIR rights that I am concerned over, but rather the rights  of the people at large that I am concerned with and that those legislators are recognizing it with this particular issue is somewhat heartening to me. On the other hand seeing that the cake will have frosting......... I want those legislators to apply some intelligence and apply this same principle to all legislation. I do not smoke pot, and for truth in advertising never really cared for it...........( what I did like we can save for another discussion ) I know many young people, and many older people that smoke on a regular basis. Some are family members, others are friends. but it is a surprising percentage. I do not think I am unique in this experience. There is a reason it is a multi billion dollar enterprise ( not withstanding the inflated price because of the current legal status of it's usage) at the end of the day, there are a large number of people who enjoy the use of marijuana. It is a god given right that entitles an individual to use it, it is called the pursuit of happiness ( and when most folks use it they seem rather happy I might add ) name me the right that is violated when an individual uses marijuana ...... and thus my dilemma, these same legislators are considering how to tax the product, and regulate the distribution of the product, it drives me insane to hear that spoken in what is presumed to be the " freest " nation on earth. Just because a government has a rectal cranial inversion on a matter, that does not justify passing a law restricting the use of a product or stop an activity. Dislike it if you will, I have no problem with that ( as I said I do not use the stuff or like it either ) but using the current analogies of the day religion should be stopped immediately, after all how do you tax a church ? Until that is solved religion should be abolished. Doesn't make sense does it.
                                                  And neither do the current laws that abolish the use of marijuana. uphold your right........ blaze or not to blaze .... that is the question when you live in a " World of Liberty "

for further reading on this subject check out these links:

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