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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Building Codes and what they mean

Since the inception of the Building codes ( for the history follow the link here : ) we have adopted standards that only allow for a standardized approach to the erection of homes and buildings, thus stifling the creative process for owners to build as they desire. Materials, ventilation, forms and content of structure are now the sole domain of government. A wonderful structure such as Monticello would not exist today, it does not conform to the contemporary standards of the building inspector, it is a structure of it's owners mind, the vision being solely of the user, rather than of the local ward of building sameness, all for the sake of " public good".  When Howard Roark destroyed Cortland homes he was destroying the massacre of HIS work, which was mutilated by dictates from Central planners who could care less about the creative process that goes into ones mind when designing a building, or a home. The design is private property, to be used and disposed as the OWNER See's fit, that is what liberty is about, and should always be about in a world of liberty.

For further reading on this check out these links:

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