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Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Word of Advice

It has been rather amusing............ no strike that. It has been rather sad and disappointing to me in our current political discourse. As an advocate of Liberty, there can be no mistaking that the battle that exists is one of the free individual versus the advocates of tyranny. Although those that advocate the interventionist state of affairs clearly are not able to see the mistakes they have made in their desire to alleviate those who are more misfortunate, what becomes more pathetic is the reliance on an argument that rests solely on anti conceptual statements that offer neither ideas or solutions. Statements such as the Orwellian occupiers " we are the 99 % " reminds me of Animal Farm and the resolution that " Four Legs good, Two legs Bad" ...........actually has intrinsic meaning at some level. Neither statement in and of themselves means anything, neither statement conceptualizes anything more than base, collectivists group think. A mass exodus into blind obedience into the following of one tribe, one group, one race type thinking that has no more validity in logic than the observation that " wet toilet paper does not fly " Ahhhh thank you, are so insightful.

                                                                                    For my own amusement, and to offer a lending hand I will offer a few solutions that hopefully will give our Collectivist antagonist some ideas that will at least give them the pretense of intelligence. Which is another reason I have given this so much thought, for once upon a time the Socialists actually envisioned themselves as the intellects of Society. The creators of ideas, the activists who solved social problems. What has become of this presumed leadership is a vacuum of ideas and action. In fact the only thing left in there arsenal is confiscation. The transfer of wealth in the global society. Destruction of creative ability has become the only tool left for the Socialist. Devoid of intellectual capital, and with the rise of awareness that politically the State can only transfer wealth that can be created ( thus forcing the creators to move that wealth ) the Socialist are literally on there last intellectual leg. The solutions around the globe of the socialist movement has been consistent, that is: form more trade unions, demand higher wages and benefits, and use the tyranny of government to enforce massive redistribution programs  for those damaged economically by these absurd and devoid policies. Here then are my contributing ideas on how to be a good Socialist, as I have learned, that in order to defeat one's opponent one must know how their opponent thinks, and since I feel I have a good grasp on the current group think, I personally have concluded that without some outside help, the embarrassment will continue. If I were viewing the Socialist from a military point of view it would be best to allow them to continue on their present intellectual course, so that they could implode on the ignorance of their own ideals. However the people who espouse many of these ideas truly believe in what they are trying to accomplish, and the ends of these desired accomplishments are indeed meant to benefit mankind for the good.

                                                                               So in the spirit of cooperation let's all be good Socialists :

1) Cash for clunkers;      One of the largest mistakes made with this program is it takes old cars off the road to encourage purchases of new ones. The subsidy gives auto manufacturers the ability to ignore the market conditions for production of vehicles, and causes misallocation of resources for raw materials for parts on older, and even fairly new vehicles. The other problem is it takes vehicles that are in reasonably good working order straight to the scrap yard. The person that is left out;  are those in society of limited and meager means. They are  a segment of society that are not able to purchase a vehicle for transportation, and become dependent (that is once again dependent  ) on public transportation. In fact one of the greatest crimes to the poor is that to get, or continue to receive public assistance your transportation must be done primarily on the public system. It creates a double dependency. Furthermore, when Welfare to Work programs are advocated, one of the largest inhibitors for success is transportation. So rather than the government(s) creating and subsidizing ever more programs why not solve a multitude of problems with one subsidy. That is continue the cash for clunkers idea, but reform it so that the older fleet goes directly to the poor when a new vehicle is purchased. The purchaser of the new vehicle gets a subsidy say in the order of $ 10,000 to $12,000 dollars toward the purchase. The older vehicle then gets to become property of the State. Then you title that vehicle to an individual that is on public assistance, the insurance will be pooled under the vehicles owned by the State ( i.e. such as the State Police, the Federal Government, or even County Government ) with this idea we then alleviate the need for large public transportation projects that do not get the full ridership that they are built for, the savings can go to the insurance pools, and the rest.......... can go back to the taxpayer. Everybody wins, every ones need is meet. And no one is left being dependent on archaic and outmoded thinking.

2) Farm Subsidies;      One of the greatest mistakes we make is to pay farmers to grow crops and then to plow them under. It makes no sense what so ever to have people anywhere in the world go hungry when the farmers of developed nations alone of the world can feed the entire population of this planet many times over. If there is going to be a subsidy for growing, again an invitation to misallocate

3) Fresh Water;    The market has provided fresh clean ( Spring ) water to the extent that a case of good clean bottled water is less than $ 6.00 a case. This water is available everywhere. With a relatively small subsidy governments the world over could encourage a slight overproduction of this resource, and ensure a steady, and safe clean drinking water supply for everyone on the planet. Western Nations have been able to not only provide local water supplies via a public system, but the market has also been able to allocate more than adequate supplies of bottled water for consumption at very relatively cheap prices, the low price is in fact the indicator that there is an ample supply, however once there becomes a direct allowance to those in poorer conditions and it is deemed to be free ( which since it is by design a giveaway) there will be a greater misallocation of the resource because of the greater demand placed on the system by the government allocation. Again by a voucher system in defined quantities the overproduction can be calculated by the amount of subsidy that will be granted by the governments allocating the resource. This gives the producers the proper signal for the amount needed to meet the needs of the poor, and also allows for the proper monetary resources necessary for production.

                                                                             By addressing Human basics in a way that meets market efficiencies, and the profit motive the modern Socialist could accomplish the goals they often seek to alleviate, the largest failure as Hayek, and Mises demonstrated time and again was the failure to understand the importance of the price indicator within the economy. Subsidies by their nature cause overproduction, that overproduction can be utilized for the benefit of those of meager means. It can also be done for the benefit of the producer, the real problem is that these " benefits " are often short lived. The free economy is by far the most successful way to solve the needs of individuals in a society, but since the socialist is not interested in the free economy, and actually tends to conclude that a command and control economy " a planned economy "  is the path to meeting the needs of all in society at the very least what should be addressed from that perspective is the waste that is always incurred through the bureaucratic process, particularly in the United States where political processes create enormous waste of natural resources and capital. Then again at least in this country it is not about creating greater benefit for the citizens, but rather a process intent on creating a power broker structure, a structure that benefits the power brokers rather than the people....... then again as Ayn Rand once pointed out in her book " For The New Intellectual " anyone who speaks to you about slaves and masters........ intends to be the Master. The power brokers who speak of redistributing wealth in this nation have one purpose in mind, and that is to be the ones that are wealthy........ but that has been the goal of Socialists Since the creation of the Socialist movement. Okay then ......... along the way;  let's at least pretend that we know how to take care of those in need, rather than perpetuate the continued suffering, and bastardize those that are really meeting the needs of society. The slogans are getting old, and rather boring, and in the mean time real human beings are still suffering it's appalling, and unnecessary........ and if collectively we are going to all be socialists....... let's at least pretend to be good at it.............


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