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Friday, November 11, 2011

Why Occupation Will Fail

Occupy Wall Street....... has become a movement that has attempted to reach global proportions, with the aim of  ending income disparity within the United States, under the auspice that only 1 % of the population controls more wealth than a combined 99 % of the citizens of this country. There are other grievances, to be sure..... and to try to define a global endeavour of change premised on one point of view may be  narrow but the mainstay appears to be wealth, or rather the notion that far too few has far too much of it. It is impressive to me that this would be contentious in this country. We have an unalienable right to private property. It is written in our Constitution. The American Republic would most likely not exist without this right. So it puzzles me that a nation founded on the right of private property would have a protest against the ownership of private property. We have a mindset that now defines the quantity of your rights. You have the freedom of religion but ONLY if you worship for two hours on Sunday, because we the religious movement feel  that that is enough practice of faith and all that is necessary, but you have the right and are free to practice whatever faith you want.  Does that sound like freedom of religion to you ?
                                                                    The problem with the occupation movement as it exists rests on the notion that our current problems of economy and wealth can be resolved by antagonistic remedies. What the movement purports to do is to take the property of one segment of society, and hand it over to another. This purported method of fairness is nothing more than a direct redistribution of property. It is the method the movement is giving the world as an answer to their perceived notion of injustice. Taking the property of one individual and giving it by force to another, that quaint Marxist program which was conceived in the late 1800's, a method of deprivation, an ideal premised on envy, hatred, and jealousy. This method has been tried and has failed miserably. It is a method of redress that is a complete contradiction, that is to render justice by using an unjust manner for resolution. Consider that when Marx and Engels were attempting to be scientific as they saw it, about the failures as they defined them of the capital system, what they seriously never resolved in an intellectual capacity was the importance of two factors. One is the price mechanism in an economy, and the absolute necessity of private property. along  with the need for a judicial system that by design is required for rational disagreements. These factors are the basis of wealth creation, and more importantly capital formation. The tenant of private property, that is ownership, use, and disposal is the primary key for success in a free society, and that private ownership is not designed for the good of society as a whole, but rather for the good of an individual, but that individual good is what benefits society as a whole.
                                                                  What the occupy movement is wanting is the " equitable " distribution of wealth based on the standard of " how much " an individual has. To proclaim then that the legitimate function of any government is to use it's monopoly of force and require by law how much wealth one can have, or rather not have is to predetermine how much property is " enough " and also to determine " too much" by subjective standards. Those standards will change as the whims of the society changes, which then take an absolute right of ownership, and turn it into a privilege. This privilege is the privilege of benevolent servitude. Call it what you will, an indentured servant is just that, a servant. A benevolent dictator is still just that, a dictator. this Occupation, is an occupation designed to enslave those who have, to those who have not. It may be a benevolent attempt to alleviate need, but in order for it to be put into practice, force and the need of conscription will be the only way that it can exist. And trust me when you read this, there will always be someone in need, thus there will always need to be the need for servitude. That would turn our Republic into a state that exists not for the individual for the pursuit of happiness, but rather a state in pursuit of property, to literally give to others. A state of enslavement. A benevolent dictator......, that is benevolence to those receiving the confiscated property, for those whom their property is being taken, there will be no recompense. There will be nothing of value that can be given in return of equal value. It will be a system of dehumanization, and your only purpose as a producer, will be to produce even more.  That cycle will never end.

If poverty is the problem, then wealth is the cure. The way to create wealth is to encourage capital formation, and have an unbounded respect for private property. Property ownership starts with your body, that is to say that you own yourself, and no other entity can lay claim to you. Your land, your labor, and your money are yours as well. To deny any individual the absolute right to earn and keep whatever they can legally obtain thru their own effort based on the notion that someone has " more" than some one else is to deny the natural law of existence. We are all born equal. Naked and without title. There is no moral justification for stripping away a natural right of ownership, and any legislation, movement, or philosophy that denies that natural right is an immoral philosophy and needs to be rejected and ridiculed. It is precisely because the Occupation movement is immoral, it is precisely because the natural tendency is for humans to pursue freedom, and because it is precisely the nature of a human being to want to live free that the Occupation movement will fail. As the rejection of the movement increases, the Occupy tactics will become more violent. In fact violence will be the tool the movement will ultimately rely on for it's success. It will be the only tool left in it's arsenal, as more and more free individuals reject their ideas and methods. Violence has been the tool used throughout history for any movement that losses support of free people. Since persuasion will lose it's luster, the Occupation movement will deem it necessary to force  it's idea's on to the public, since after all we will fail to see the importance and necessity of their ideas. Just look at where the movement started. Zuccotti Park. The park is private property, and is being occupied against the wishes of the owners. So much for peaceable demonstrations.



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