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Friday, October 11, 2019

I'm (not) with Her !

Image result for hillary clinton     October 4th Mrs. Clinton Posted a tweet quoting Barbara Jordan from 1974......"If the impeachment provision in the Constitution of the United States will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that eighteenth century Constitution should be abandoned to a twentieth century paper shredder."   In Effect as Mrs. Clinton beliefs that the electoral college should be abandoned,  now she opines that the Constitution itself should be abandoned. This same constitution that had the same impeachment clause when her Husband was President facing similar circumstances for none other than lying under oath, she presumes that we should abandon this constitution for its weakness. Then let us look at this Document and she what it is she would like to destroy.
                                                                     Massachusetts, opposed the document, as it failed to reserve undelegated powers to the states and lacked constitutional protection of basic political rights, such as freedom of speech, religion and the press.  The roots of the Bill of Rights lie deep in Anglo-American history. In 1215 England’s King John, under pressure from rebellious barons, put his seal to the Magna Carta, which protected subjects against royal abuses of power. Among the Magna Carta’s more important provisions are its requirement that proceedings and prosecutions be according to “the law of the land”–the forerunner of “due process of law”–and a ban on the sale, denial, or delay of justice.

                                                                               The idea of written documents protecting individual liberties took early root in England’s American colonies. Colonial charters (such as the 1606 Charter for Virginia) declared that those who migrated to the New World should enjoy the same “privileges, franchises, and immunities” as if they lived in England. The Bill of Rights, as symbol and substance, lies at the heart of American conceptions of individual liberty, limited government, and the rule of law. These concepts such as Individual Liberty are what are protected by this Constitution and that any modern American Politician or citizen would consider abolishing this document should make us all suspect. What possible motive could there be for abolishing a document that protects our natural right to life,liberty, or property ? What possible gain could be had by abolishing this document to codify our rights to property, or to life, or religion ? I have yet to see Mrs. Clinton offer such documentation, further more I have seen no serious offer to follow proper protocol and call for a constitutional convention.

                                                                      That she would publicly post such a statement from Barbara Jordan based on a speech made in 1974 which had nothing but praise for the constitution and admired  the sobriety of the founders in its creation leads one to conclude that Mrs. Clinton likes this constitution when it suits her, however when this same constitution is used to impeach her husband, or limits the power of her party she is not so fond of it. She loves the American institutions when they win her office, however when those same institutions deny her an office she is seeking well, then we must change these institutions. Is this not why we have a constitution in the first place ? To temper with whims of power and lust for power ? Is not the Bill of Rights in place to remind government that our rights precede its    existence ?

                                                                         I am always in favor of change, so long as that change exists to enhance our natural freedom. If we seek to enhance the liberty of the human species and codify that liberty so we as a free people can pursue our happiness than I for one look forward to a process that makes that a legitimate effort. However any one who seeks to devalue, diminish or abolish those liberties,  should be fought, and stubbornly refused at all costs. We had a King on this Land once, and that was enough, it is the American experience to be free. And it shall always be. So no.....I am not with her. I am with those who seek a World of Liberty. 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Why Dave Bing Should Have Mattered

Born in 1943 Dave Bing has led a life that has been filled with challenges. Having been poked in the eye as a child and being blind in one eye at a time when there was not the Social Services available today he grew up vowing not to labor as his father had, and became a professional basketball player who became a Hall of Fane player and successful business owner Dave Bing has never been a quitter, nor has he been one who has shirked from a challenge, on the contrary having spent his entire life facing challenges  his persona is to overcome obstacles, and to achieve success.........and then he became a Mayor of a City on the verge of bankruptcy, dysfunctional, and unwilling to accept changes of the world around it, clinging to an ideology outdated, and bypassed long ago, Dave Bing believed that change would be slow, cumbersome even, but change would happen inherently believing that enough interested parties in the City of Detroit wanted that change as well, but as has been the historical trend a minority of thought, a minority of interests have clung to a harbored past that has attached itself to a history that has long since gone and faded away else where in the world, except here in Detroit, in the believe that if you fight long enough and hard enough the opposition will give in to your demands, to meet you most of the way they wish to go........ignoring that in a digital world where money can be transferred in a blink of an eye, that people who have become more mobile and less dependent on a status quo and have become more resilient and adaptable to change. Unfortunately Detroit has not, and Dave Bing has not been able to persuade the people at large, or the City Council or the Union's of the importance of change. That may not be a reflection of personal failure, however it is a reflection of leadership, and that is where Dave should have mattered the most. However the record will show quite the opposite.

                                                                         It would be fair to say that there are circumstances well beyond his control. It would be  absolutely justified to point out that Dave Bing was in an environment that was unable or unwilling to adapt to the surrounding changes, it would be completely fair on his behalf to show how a City Council and a Legal Department had set out from the day he assumed office to not just circumvent his authority, but blatantly went out of it's way to prevent success in this city in his name. He was targeted as an outsider who was out of touch, ( even though he had to win an election to maintain his presence in office ) he was labeled as too old, he has been accused of not caring about " the people " of Detroit, and only interested in keeping an outside establishment happy at the expense of the working class, and the Unions of the municipal employee's; a shrill if you will for the interests only out to bust up the Union's. Thus Dave Bing has been defined by his detractors, and in a media rich world has been defined by the people as a failure. At this point he has not announced his bid to run for re-election, but if Dave wants some wise advise,.......don't because you do not have a chance to win, that you can take to the bank.

                                                                        It's in the streets, at the local groceries, on the bus stops all over the city. It's noticeable on the local radio stations, the ones that target an urban...audience rather than a metropolitan audience, the discontent is everywhere, and if one where an ardent student of media, there is a subtle hint as well there ......Dave's got to is kind of like the local drama involving the appointment of an EFM, every one knew it was coming, the Governor made no pretense on what he expected, and would do.......yet the players at the local level all acted like nothing was going to change, that there is no way a Republican Governor would dare challenge the City of Detroit, and yet he did; that is the sense on the streets about Dave Bing, his time has come and gone, and the sooner the change, the better.

                                                                          It is sad however, Dave has been a successful individual all his life, hand has proven himself in many different theatres. He is a Democrat, but has proven that he can adapt to realities, and is capable of being pragmatic. He can bring to office integrity, and as well the fortitude to make tough decisions. Understanding finances, and more importantly...... financing   is something that was desperately needed in Detroit and Dave could have brought that rich experience with him. However in the end what the City of Detroit needed, and what it accepted in the richness of his experience are two very completely different things. That is indeed very sad, not for a political career, but for the very people who pay for the City Government, the citizens of Detroit, who no longer have a vote that matters, a Police Force that is completely demoralized, a Fire Department that has to beg for toilet paper, and a citizenry who cannot rely on the very Transportation that they pay for out of their own pocket. All of this could have been avoided, yet it was not. If more attention had been paid to necessary changes, Dave would have mattered, but in the end he was not. He was ignored, challenged, refuted, dismissed, disobeyed, a retaliated against. His time in office should have been a heroic story of insurmountable obstacles that were overcome, and obliterated. Instead what history will most likely write about Dave Bing as Mayor is an ineffectual business man trying to work the magic of the market into the policies of government. Finding out that government only works when collaboration and consent are used rather than dictates and facts. Dave Bing should have made a difference, instead he will be seen as a joke. That really is sad, for Dave Bing, his life, has been anything but a joke. Leadership is never easy, even dictators have to bring supporters along with them in order to accomplish goals, no matter how insane they may be, Dave Bing is not insane, he was just the wrong leader for the wrong cause. That's too bad, he should have mattered,......he should have made a difference.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Fathers Promise

A few weeks ago I had to cash a check, and of course it was a Sunday so the only place open very early in the morning was a local check cashing place. When I walked in a young man was standing in front of me with his young daughter in a small basket of sorts with a large handle. He could not be more than 22 or 23 years of age, and as I stood watching his transaction his conversation filled the whole room, which consisted of myself, the teller he and his daughter. It was not a loud or over bearing presence, nor was it a commanding presence. The young man stood confident, proud, assured. That was what made me stand and pay close attention. In this confidence was a weariness, which looking at the toddler sitting next to his feet was my guess the cause of the fatigue.

                                                                            The teller walked away from the counter for a moment and he turned to look at me.....I asked ......did she keep you up all night ? He smiled, and looked down with pride, no....she has slept soundly the last few nights, so it hasn't been that bad. Ya know he says to me as if we were long time friends, it's bad enough I have to pay these crazy fee's to cash a check, but then the TAXES taken out is enough to drive you crazy. Now clearly here was an opening of a conversation I could sink my teeth into, but I just wanted my money, and get the heck out of this place. there were people waiting on me to get this taken care of so we could take care of our business. So in an unusual fashion I simply say these taxes pay for services, and people depend on those services...........had he really known me it would have registered that this was pure sarcasm, however since he did not know me, it comes across as accepting the situation with some form of gratitude. The teller by now is approaching the window, but the answer I gave actually lit a ? what freakin services ? you mean like subsidizing farms ? or paying for a Congressman's hair cut ? or hey how about research into the mating habits of pond scum ?

                                                              So with a smile and a small chuckle I nod and say ..........look in all honesty you are preaching to the choir, in fact I am willing to bet that I would be more libertine in my opinions than you are.......I have been following this stuff for quite a long time, for example we are both here cashing a check but it is not real money. With that a toothy smile and a nod and this young man says you know you should read Ron Paul and his thoughts on this. I smiled ......and asked I have actually met Dr. Paul, are you aware of the foundations for his thoughts on money ? No I do not he replied, what are the foundations ? Mises I tell him Ludvig Von Mises, Dr. Paul is a big proponent of Austrian Economics. Wow ! he says......... that's really cool stuff, hey can I get your email address or something ? I would like to talk about this stuff some more if you don't mind. So I hand him a business card and tell him its alright and to call or email any time. I would be glad to go over this information any time.
                                                                    So he conducts the rest of his business with the teller gets his money, thanks her and apologizes for taking up too much of her time, and then he turns half way as if to speak to both of us and he says When my daughter was born, a apologized for bring her into such a screwed up world............and then I made her a promise....... that I would do everything in my power to make it a better one so she would not have to suffer.............

                                                                     That conversation has stuck with me for a few weeks now, not just for the devotion of a father to his child, which is quite admirable in and of itself; and not for the desire of a father to create a better place for his child which most parents want for there offspring, what really got to my heart was a father dedicating LIBERTY to an infant and proclaiming a lifetime of service for her chance to have it, and to know that there is still that dedication to the concept in the birthplace of liberty in a generation that will be here long after my life is gone. To see that and to experience a moment like that in person let's a person know that the IDEA of liberty is well worth fighting for and passing on. I hope there are more fathers like that out there somewhere.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Impressions

Sometimes life will give us an opportunity that at the moment it happens may not seem like much, but after it's over the depth and meaning of it has a far greater impact than the surface will allow at the moment. Let me share.
                                                             I was in a parking lot yesterday afternoon of a major retailer, and in the back corner of this parking lot is a transit center. Of course at all various times of the day next to the other retailer's people are milling around going about their business. Coming and going, back and forth....... and of course waiting. For me at times like this especially early in the morning I spend time else would I come up with the nonsense I do ????? Sitting in front of me is a young lady, on the ground staring at.....what else but an far nothing unusual, after all this is the 21st Century. Of course I am a man,........and this is a young women, so.................. I notice she is sitting on newspapers on an asphalt parking lot.........rather as she is sitting with her knees up around her chin, and gazing at the iPhone she looks up and smiles........I tried not to pay any attention to this and turn my head. I look over her, and around her, but all the while studying. Okay, details. Small, long black hair, very slight build, the shirt is way to short, exposing the back and along with the ill fit jeans exposing just way to much of other stuff, blue baseball hat, and sneakers. Let's see......a folder, plastic bag with frozen food.......makes some sense, but the manners are not what we would call local. So far so good. Two people in a parking lot on a beautiful late afternoon. She looks across the parking lot and smiles at another man sitting on a bench. Let's see two guys.... two smiles........ what ? got to be kidding ???????????

                                                              I continue to passivley ignore here, but then I wonder.....visiting ? or living ? mmmmmmm I am leaning toward a visitor, but the manners are to comfortable for that, so I start to conclude lives here.....student, and mom has no idea where she is............and then she stands up. To my utter amazment starts to sweep the parking lot underneath her. I see know...... rocks....... ya that would hurt makes sense. She looks at me and starts laughing, I want to bust out because the whole thing looks ridiculous. She keeps clearing the rocks, and then just stands. She took a few steps toward a gargage can.....the first word in my mind is " manners " how refreshing, there goes the idea of her living here, because all the papers would be left to blow around the parking lot........... yep visiitor. So I start to think, wow how thoughtful a visitor who has manners for the surrounding she is in..........conclusion: has not been here long.

                                                                    She takes a few steps toward the garbage can with the papers in her hand, and now I see this long lost look of puzzlement. Searching all around, and I think, oh noooo....... nutjob.........out of her head........ had an encounter like this in San Franciso once........ WARNING ! WARNING !........... and then two steps toward me..........shit................
                  Excuse me sir ?  Ya...... I answered ..........Do you know where the Henry Ford is ? I smile .. is in Dearborn. Yes I know how do I get there on a bus ? schedules posted, tourist, lost.......... no way to get the information........... ohh ... I say......... tahe the 275 north, get of at Michigan Avenue, and then wait for a bus marked 200 going east........ it will drop you off at the entrance, you can walk right in...........Can I get there from here tomorrow ? she politley asks........... sure........ anytime after say 6 a.m.
                                               Thank You............and I reply your welcome. Then comes the look.............................. another question is coming I know it. Do you know how to get to ..........ahhh my English not good.......... she writes C O R K T O W you know where this is ? By Bus   ? I ask       ........yes please.......... well take the 125 from here to downtown and take the People Mover to Corktown.........she frowns ......I try the people mover yesterday it confuses me............ I smile too and I live here.......... but I get confused for a different reason..........she tilts her head because she is confused........... I smile .......never mind it would take to long to explain. Where are you from I think Japan. NO...............CHINA! and right off the bat I think huh?????? here ? what a trip! So I proceed..........where in China are you from ? Near Hong you know Hong Kong ? I start laughing........why yes I have been there many times........ at least 6 I think or something like that......... but that was under British Rule............ you probably do not remember that..........she looked puzzled....... no I do not know that.........I was too young........ ohh I say no bother..... I still have coins with the queen on them..... but they are no good any more.........

                                                            So I proceed...... proud of myself .......and my knowledge..........Hong Kong is an autonomous region now is it not......... ? One China two systems ???????? is that correct ? mmmmmmmm Hong Kong is...........ohhh I do not know English word.......ahhh......... it's okay I say........ I understand....... and I am right............ do you know Hebei Province ? ..........I have clients that are from there...... they make fences, and have an office where I you know that province.......nooooo I do not......... where is it ? It is north of Bejing a few hundred miles northwest I believe......... there is also a city Named Hebei...... that is where there factory is.......... but they are not familiar with Hong Kong, because I mentioned it when I first meet them......... but China is a big country Yes ??????????

                                                            China is a very big country....... you should come back to Hong Kong..... you will like it............I I do not think so experince there was not bad......... but not all that good......Americans were not very welcome........eveyone loved the British.....but that was a long time know I keep up with the news in China I read the Peoples Daily about 4 times a week........ In English of course.......... she smiles ..........really ?????????? why ? I say........ well to keep up with the news there, especially concerning the riots in the outer regions, especially in Tibet...... are you aware of this ? I do not she says, but I do not worry about that ...... I want to make money. i laughed so hard I almost cried...... so do I ........ so do I ...... well I have to go....... you have fun and be careful okay ? Yes...... okay she nods ........ thank you very much..........No problem...............

                                              I walked away.

                                                     In the end here is what strikes me, we in this country are visited every day with visitors from other countries, and cities from around the world, and it will always be our first impressions that will mark what people think of us in this country, of course that is what Tocqueville was all about in his journey. The difference today is information is immediate. One snapshot, one tweet.....and instantly available around the world to a real life perception of who we are and what we are all about. We have an internal contradiction of the mixed economy with limited freedom, versus the desire to be as free as possible. The end result of that is the loss of innovation, prosperity, and respect from not only within our own borders, but from those who visit us from abroad. My hope is that we settle that internal conflict and resolve as Americans, that we will adhere to the principles of liberty, for rest assured wether we are looking at ourselves or not, the rest of the world clearly has their eyes on us.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's time to let the fat lady sing........

A once proud industrial giant is ready to fall. This process has been going on since the 1950's, but it has been a slow evolutionary process. Year after year, decade after decade slowly but surely the city of Detroit was crumbling to pieces. To assign blame at this point is absolutely ridiculous.What has happened, has happened, or to repeat a phrase now hated: It is what it is. For further amusement; the current Corporate Council for the city of Detroit is endeavoring to tell the State of Michigan who is trying to keep what little of what's left of the city alive, that they cannot enter into a contract with the city because the STATE owes the city money. Money only the corporate council, and right along with her members; of the city council believe the state owes the city, which in their particular point of view would end the deficit, and make null and void the current consent agreement that was put in place without the objection of the city council, or the corporate council.
                                                                                      If the anti conceptual stubbornness were not so serious it would be amusing, in fact it would be entertaining to encourage such behaviour. There is nothing more amusing than to watch non productive behaviour from the political class wasting time on nuance and formality, demonstrating procedural courage and standing up to the forces of fashionable wrong doing while the rest of us toil, and sweat, and compete in the global marketplace, assuring that brave class of politics that we their subjects will assure them a paycheck, and a seat at the table of power. That amusement however lasts only so long as we the hard working subjects are assured a great deal of prosperity in the process, and that is why the proverbial fat lady has been walking up to and demanding a place at the stage. She has had many years to warm up, and the vocal chords are primed. The City of Detroit, whether the council, and it's corporate lawyers want to admit it or not is broke. Flat out, face down cotton pickin broke. There is no way around it, and only the corporate council herself believes the city is owned money by the State of Michigan. No one else can find a bill, or an invoice for " services rendered".
                                                                                 How any elected official can drive down Grand River say from Lahser Road and 7 mile towards downtown, or travel Gratiot Ave. from Roseville and not be shocked by what they see, how any sitting Governor traveling down these same roads would not be immediate to declare that the National Guard needs to be put out on the streets and order restored is beyond comprehension. We are not talking about a downturn in the economy, or slightly depressed neighborhoods due to economic circumstances, we are talking about absolute destruction, and devastation. A kind of devastation that no previous generation of American has ever entertained to allow to exist, is now the norm for the city of Detroit, with those in power elected to protect the citizens fighting turf wars, and wasting valuable scarce resources trying to show how they are still in charge and calling the shots. Murder and destruction are ancillary to the political class right now, what is important is maintaining power at all costs. Local power, and only local power. No outsider dare intervene in local decision making, or inability to make a decision. If we decide to take a vote, in order to take a vote, well then by golly you stand by and watch us do that, because it's in our power to do just that !
                                                                                 There is an adage: he who has the gold makes the rules. There is some pretty compelling reasons that adage is true. We may not like it, we may want to fight it, we may even from time to time try to put our heads in the sand and try to ignore it, but try as we all might, the guy that's got all the coins in his pocket, tends to be the one that sets the tone for how things are going to be. It is one of life's little absolutes. Well the city of Detroit ran out of gold a long time ago, and now that it cannot borrow any more, it is no longer in a position to make any rules. It is time for the city to follow the rules. The first rule that it must follow is: you can only spend the money that you have. Start there, and the rest will begin to fall in place. Seeing that the current class of politicians don't want to follow that rule; reality needs to step in and force them. No one pays them any more, no one let's them borrow any more. Broke. Flat out, nothing in the pockets, broke. Declare bankruptcy, end all current contracts, dissolve the council, appoint a financial manager, and start all over again. The priorities should be police, fire, water, and garbage. All else is negotiable. Seeing that the police do not have a contract, and are afraid they will not get paid, the Governor should call in the National Guard to protect the citizens of the city, and maintain the fire houses. Let those entities sort out a salary the city can afford on today's  budgeting, and let the free market perform it's magic.
                                      But  before all of that can happen, the proverbial lady, with all her grace and glory needs to take center stage, grab the microphone, and just sing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It was just a year ago that A World of Liberty was created. The purpose was intended to create a blog based solely on the perspective of the Liberty of the Sovereign individual, and it does not matter whether you believe your rights come to you from God, or from nature, both explain the premise quite well. And as our nation celebrates our Declaration of Independence today from Great Britain based on the idea that man being created from God, has inherent rights, and those rights do not come from permission from an organized body, but rather from the fact that God created all Man as equal, I believe we would all be well reminded of what that Declaration was intended to create.

                                                                                          Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (adminstrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery
Thomas Jefferson

                                                               Liberty is a unique concept. The audacity to declare that you as an individual are your own master in society is so unique that it's conception is completely foreign to most of the created collections for governance formed by human beings . In fact the historical trend is that the individual is subservient to either the tribe, or an individual leader who plans for you what your fate is to be. Ownership of property, the most important, being your own body, is completely unacceptable to most ideas of forming organized groups of people. The absolute mandate that those who govern are the ones who have limits on their power is one of the most profound ideas the Declaration makes in it's assertion.
                                                                       Principles are what brings us to the table of liberty. Without the arguments for those principles then we as Americans are nothing more than serfs to the State just as those before us have always been. Life, Liberty, and Property are the basis of those principles. Those tenants proclaim that your life is your own, it belongs to no one else, and since that right is unalienable, your life cannot be proclaimed for the State. There is no recourse for the state to your life. It is not a power granted any government by an act of God. Unconditionally your life belongs to you, and no one else. When the creator made man in his image, it was not to serve any government, but to serve God and his will. That an institution created by man  feels that it can usurp its authority and dictate the context of your life and property is a violation of the nature of existence and should be rejected at every step.
                                                                                We have become a nation dependent on permission, as well as dictates. Our Supreme Court in it's latest decision on health care has taken the voluntary society, and transformed in into the requirement society, which given the course of our country over the last 80 plus years it is no surprise. Decisions made in Congress, signed by Presidents, and upheld by the Supreme Court are designed to uphold the sovereignty of government, rather than an individual. Our Social Programs have become institutions created for there own sake, and life blood at the expense of individual liberty, whose sacrifice has been laid waste at the alter of collective  power of the greatest minority in any society, the individual. Done so with the permission and acceptance of the American people. We have abandoned our principles of individual sovereignty, and replaced them with the Socialist concept of collective security, falsely and blindly believing that it is the inherent good.
                                                                On this 4th of July let us again beg to be governed as if we are indeed creatures of the almighty, sovereign, and free. Let us move forward for the benefit of future generations to live in a country where rulers fear the people, and can live lives that are free. A country that adheres strictly  to the principles of Life, Liberty, and Property so that those natural tendencies that all humans have, to live a life of peace, and pursue happiness can once again be the example to the world, and may those principles be on the tongues of every citizen to be repeated time after time so that when the forces of tyranny rise their head, we the American people are ready to defeat them in order to maintain a world of liberty .                                                                                                                                                                                        

Saturday, March 24, 2012

More Than One way to skin a Cat......

As the saying goes........there is more than one way to skin a illustrate a point. What freedom and prosperity means, but more importantly how does a society achieve freedom and prosperity ?  In our time, despite the rich history of the foundations of the United States, and following the models of more controlled societies, it is presumed that intervention, and regulation is the way to prosperity. China has achieved remarkable growth in the last 30 years, yet despite having a billion people, and the companies of the Western nations clamoring for a share of the market there, their economy has only managed to attain a GDP of 5 trillion dollars, as compared to the United States having 300 million people and achieving a GDP level of 14 trillion dollars. On borrow another phrase, it would seem that the Chinese would far out produce the Americans, a fear that tends to creep into the American psyche, but as much as the majesty of the Chinese population commands, the important inherent difference between the two societies is that one version rests on imitation. The other rests on innovation. The other stark difference is that the Chinese system relies on control, whereas the American system at it's design was conceived on chaos, which is the mark of a free market system.
                                                           From a standpoint of prosperity, markets can only achieve full prosperity under two conditions primarily. One would be allowing for the consumer to have the freedom to seek what ever product or service they desire in an open market. The other condition is having the flexibility for the price mechanism to fluctuate to meet the needs of those products and services as the demands of the consumer dictates. In China the goal of their system has been to focus on production alone, without regard to the demand side of the equation. It is the classic misunderstanding of the interventionist mind set, premised on the perception that inequality exists in the capital order of things. Individuals or more to the point HUMAN BEINGS given the opportunity, will change their mind constantly. It is a universal truth, just as all of us need a heart beat in order to stay alive.
                                                             Given our election cycle, and daily anecdotal conversations with people at random, I have noticed a trend for Americans IN GENERAL to reach a conclusion that our prosperity lies in a plan.....a plan for our economy, a plan for our energy needs, a plan for manufacturing, there seems to be a need for a plan for our entire way of life. Planning is the way that government's control their people, which in the case of the Chinese system is necessary for a small self proclaimed elite to control a large population, however here in the United States I would encourage all to do away with the control mind set and seek the way of chaos. In other words let us vow as AMERICANS, to seek our economic roots in freedom. There is more than one way to skin an economic cat......but there is only one way to seek freedom and economy, and that would be to throw off all the shackles of planners, and regulators in our economy, and return this country to A WORLD OF LIBERTY......