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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First Impressions

Sometimes life will give us an opportunity that at the moment it happens may not seem like much, but after it's over the depth and meaning of it has a far greater impact than the surface will allow at the moment. Let me share.
                                                             I was in a parking lot yesterday afternoon of a major retailer, and in the back corner of this parking lot is a transit center. Of course at all various times of the day next to the other retailer's people are milling around going about their business. Coming and going, back and forth....... and of course waiting. For me at times like this especially early in the morning I spend time else would I come up with the nonsense I do ????? Sitting in front of me is a young lady, on the ground staring at.....what else but an far nothing unusual, after all this is the 21st Century. Of course I am a man,........and this is a young women, so.................. I notice she is sitting on newspapers on an asphalt parking lot.........rather as she is sitting with her knees up around her chin, and gazing at the iPhone she looks up and smiles........I tried not to pay any attention to this and turn my head. I look over her, and around her, but all the while studying. Okay, details. Small, long black hair, very slight build, the shirt is way to short, exposing the back and along with the ill fit jeans exposing just way to much of other stuff, blue baseball hat, and sneakers. Let's see......a folder, plastic bag with frozen food.......makes some sense, but the manners are not what we would call local. So far so good. Two people in a parking lot on a beautiful late afternoon. She looks across the parking lot and smiles at another man sitting on a bench. Let's see two guys.... two smiles........ what ? got to be kidding ???????????

                                                              I continue to passivley ignore here, but then I wonder.....visiting ? or living ? mmmmmmm I am leaning toward a visitor, but the manners are to comfortable for that, so I start to conclude lives here.....student, and mom has no idea where she is............and then she stands up. To my utter amazment starts to sweep the parking lot underneath her. I see know...... rocks....... ya that would hurt makes sense. She looks at me and starts laughing, I want to bust out because the whole thing looks ridiculous. She keeps clearing the rocks, and then just stands. She took a few steps toward a gargage can.....the first word in my mind is " manners " how refreshing, there goes the idea of her living here, because all the papers would be left to blow around the parking lot........... yep visiitor. So I start to think, wow how thoughtful a visitor who has manners for the surrounding she is in..........conclusion: has not been here long.

                                                                    She takes a few steps toward the garbage can with the papers in her hand, and now I see this long lost look of puzzlement. Searching all around, and I think, oh noooo....... nutjob.........out of her head........ had an encounter like this in San Franciso once........ WARNING ! WARNING !........... and then two steps toward me..........shit................
                  Excuse me sir ?  Ya...... I answered ..........Do you know where the Henry Ford is ? I smile .. is in Dearborn. Yes I know how do I get there on a bus ? schedules posted, tourist, lost.......... no way to get the information........... ohh ... I say......... tahe the 275 north, get of at Michigan Avenue, and then wait for a bus marked 200 going east........ it will drop you off at the entrance, you can walk right in...........Can I get there from here tomorrow ? she politley asks........... sure........ anytime after say 6 a.m.
                                               Thank You............and I reply your welcome. Then comes the look.............................. another question is coming I know it. Do you know how to get to ..........ahhh my English not good.......... she writes C O R K T O W you know where this is ? By Bus   ? I ask       ........yes please.......... well take the 125 from here to downtown and take the People Mover to Corktown.........she frowns ......I try the people mover yesterday it confuses me............ I smile too and I live here.......... but I get confused for a different reason..........she tilts her head because she is confused........... I smile .......never mind it would take to long to explain. Where are you from I think Japan. NO...............CHINA! and right off the bat I think huh?????? here ? what a trip! So I proceed..........where in China are you from ? Near Hong you know Hong Kong ? I start laughing........why yes I have been there many times........ at least 6 I think or something like that......... but that was under British Rule............ you probably do not remember that..........she looked puzzled....... no I do not know that.........I was too young........ ohh I say no bother..... I still have coins with the queen on them..... but they are no good any more.........

                                                            So I proceed...... proud of myself .......and my knowledge..........Hong Kong is an autonomous region now is it not......... ? One China two systems ???????? is that correct ? mmmmmmmm Hong Kong is...........ohhh I do not know English word.......ahhh......... it's okay I say........ I understand....... and I am right............ do you know Hebei Province ? ..........I have clients that are from there...... they make fences, and have an office where I you know that province.......nooooo I do not......... where is it ? It is north of Bejing a few hundred miles northwest I believe......... there is also a city Named Hebei...... that is where there factory is.......... but they are not familiar with Hong Kong, because I mentioned it when I first meet them......... but China is a big country Yes ??????????

                                                            China is a very big country....... you should come back to Hong Kong..... you will like it............I I do not think so experince there was not bad......... but not all that good......Americans were not very welcome........eveyone loved the British.....but that was a long time know I keep up with the news in China I read the Peoples Daily about 4 times a week........ In English of course.......... she smiles ..........really ?????????? why ? I say........ well to keep up with the news there, especially concerning the riots in the outer regions, especially in Tibet...... are you aware of this ? I do not she says, but I do not worry about that ...... I want to make money. i laughed so hard I almost cried...... so do I ........ so do I ...... well I have to go....... you have fun and be careful okay ? Yes...... okay she nods ........ thank you very much..........No problem...............

                                              I walked away.

                                                     In the end here is what strikes me, we in this country are visited every day with visitors from other countries, and cities from around the world, and it will always be our first impressions that will mark what people think of us in this country, of course that is what Tocqueville was all about in his journey. The difference today is information is immediate. One snapshot, one tweet.....and instantly available around the world to a real life perception of who we are and what we are all about. We have an internal contradiction of the mixed economy with limited freedom, versus the desire to be as free as possible. The end result of that is the loss of innovation, prosperity, and respect from not only within our own borders, but from those who visit us from abroad. My hope is that we settle that internal conflict and resolve as Americans, that we will adhere to the principles of liberty, for rest assured wether we are looking at ourselves or not, the rest of the world clearly has their eyes on us.