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Friday, October 11, 2019

I'm (not) with Her !

Image result for hillary clinton     October 4th Mrs. Clinton Posted a tweet quoting Barbara Jordan from 1974......"If the impeachment provision in the Constitution of the United States will not reach the offenses charged here, then perhaps that eighteenth century Constitution should be abandoned to a twentieth century paper shredder."   In Effect as Mrs. Clinton beliefs that the electoral college should be abandoned,  now she opines that the Constitution itself should be abandoned. This same constitution that had the same impeachment clause when her Husband was President facing similar circumstances for none other than lying under oath, she presumes that we should abandon this constitution for its weakness. Then let us look at this Document and she what it is she would like to destroy.
                                                                     Massachusetts, opposed the document, as it failed to reserve undelegated powers to the states and lacked constitutional protection of basic political rights, such as freedom of speech, religion and the press.  The roots of the Bill of Rights lie deep in Anglo-American history. In 1215 England’s King John, under pressure from rebellious barons, put his seal to the Magna Carta, which protected subjects against royal abuses of power. Among the Magna Carta’s more important provisions are its requirement that proceedings and prosecutions be according to “the law of the land”–the forerunner of “due process of law”–and a ban on the sale, denial, or delay of justice.

                                                                               The idea of written documents protecting individual liberties took early root in England’s American colonies. Colonial charters (such as the 1606 Charter for Virginia) declared that those who migrated to the New World should enjoy the same “privileges, franchises, and immunities” as if they lived in England. The Bill of Rights, as symbol and substance, lies at the heart of American conceptions of individual liberty, limited government, and the rule of law. These concepts such as Individual Liberty are what are protected by this Constitution and that any modern American Politician or citizen would consider abolishing this document should make us all suspect. What possible motive could there be for abolishing a document that protects our natural right to life,liberty, or property ? What possible gain could be had by abolishing this document to codify our rights to property, or to life, or religion ? I have yet to see Mrs. Clinton offer such documentation, further more I have seen no serious offer to follow proper protocol and call for a constitutional convention.

                                                                      That she would publicly post such a statement from Barbara Jordan based on a speech made in 1974 which had nothing but praise for the constitution and admired  the sobriety of the founders in its creation leads one to conclude that Mrs. Clinton likes this constitution when it suits her, however when this same constitution is used to impeach her husband, or limits the power of her party she is not so fond of it. She loves the American institutions when they win her office, however when those same institutions deny her an office she is seeking well, then we must change these institutions. Is this not why we have a constitution in the first place ? To temper with whims of power and lust for power ? Is not the Bill of Rights in place to remind government that our rights precede its    existence ?

                                                                         I am always in favor of change, so long as that change exists to enhance our natural freedom. If we seek to enhance the liberty of the human species and codify that liberty so we as a free people can pursue our happiness than I for one look forward to a process that makes that a legitimate effort. However any one who seeks to devalue, diminish or abolish those liberties,  should be fought, and stubbornly refused at all costs. We had a King on this Land once, and that was enough, it is the American experience to be free. And it shall always be. So no.....I am not with her. I am with those who seek a World of Liberty. 

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