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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

It's time to let the fat lady sing........

A once proud industrial giant is ready to fall. This process has been going on since the 1950's, but it has been a slow evolutionary process. Year after year, decade after decade slowly but surely the city of Detroit was crumbling to pieces. To assign blame at this point is absolutely ridiculous.What has happened, has happened, or to repeat a phrase now hated: It is what it is. For further amusement; the current Corporate Council for the city of Detroit is endeavoring to tell the State of Michigan who is trying to keep what little of what's left of the city alive, that they cannot enter into a contract with the city because the STATE owes the city money. Money only the corporate council, and right along with her members; of the city council believe the state owes the city, which in their particular point of view would end the deficit, and make null and void the current consent agreement that was put in place without the objection of the city council, or the corporate council.
                                                                                      If the anti conceptual stubbornness were not so serious it would be amusing, in fact it would be entertaining to encourage such behaviour. There is nothing more amusing than to watch non productive behaviour from the political class wasting time on nuance and formality, demonstrating procedural courage and standing up to the forces of fashionable wrong doing while the rest of us toil, and sweat, and compete in the global marketplace, assuring that brave class of politics that we their subjects will assure them a paycheck, and a seat at the table of power. That amusement however lasts only so long as we the hard working subjects are assured a great deal of prosperity in the process, and that is why the proverbial fat lady has been walking up to and demanding a place at the stage. She has had many years to warm up, and the vocal chords are primed. The City of Detroit, whether the council, and it's corporate lawyers want to admit it or not is broke. Flat out, face down cotton pickin broke. There is no way around it, and only the corporate council herself believes the city is owned money by the State of Michigan. No one else can find a bill, or an invoice for " services rendered".
                                                                                 How any elected official can drive down Grand River say from Lahser Road and 7 mile towards downtown, or travel Gratiot Ave. from Roseville and not be shocked by what they see, how any sitting Governor traveling down these same roads would not be immediate to declare that the National Guard needs to be put out on the streets and order restored is beyond comprehension. We are not talking about a downturn in the economy, or slightly depressed neighborhoods due to economic circumstances, we are talking about absolute destruction, and devastation. A kind of devastation that no previous generation of American has ever entertained to allow to exist, is now the norm for the city of Detroit, with those in power elected to protect the citizens fighting turf wars, and wasting valuable scarce resources trying to show how they are still in charge and calling the shots. Murder and destruction are ancillary to the political class right now, what is important is maintaining power at all costs. Local power, and only local power. No outsider dare intervene in local decision making, or inability to make a decision. If we decide to take a vote, in order to take a vote, well then by golly you stand by and watch us do that, because it's in our power to do just that !
                                                                                 There is an adage: he who has the gold makes the rules. There is some pretty compelling reasons that adage is true. We may not like it, we may want to fight it, we may even from time to time try to put our heads in the sand and try to ignore it, but try as we all might, the guy that's got all the coins in his pocket, tends to be the one that sets the tone for how things are going to be. It is one of life's little absolutes. Well the city of Detroit ran out of gold a long time ago, and now that it cannot borrow any more, it is no longer in a position to make any rules. It is time for the city to follow the rules. The first rule that it must follow is: you can only spend the money that you have. Start there, and the rest will begin to fall in place. Seeing that the current class of politicians don't want to follow that rule; reality needs to step in and force them. No one pays them any more, no one let's them borrow any more. Broke. Flat out, nothing in the pockets, broke. Declare bankruptcy, end all current contracts, dissolve the council, appoint a financial manager, and start all over again. The priorities should be police, fire, water, and garbage. All else is negotiable. Seeing that the police do not have a contract, and are afraid they will not get paid, the Governor should call in the National Guard to protect the citizens of the city, and maintain the fire houses. Let those entities sort out a salary the city can afford on today's  budgeting, and let the free market perform it's magic.
                                      But  before all of that can happen, the proverbial lady, with all her grace and glory needs to take center stage, grab the microphone, and just sing.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It was just a year ago that A World of Liberty was created. The purpose was intended to create a blog based solely on the perspective of the Liberty of the Sovereign individual, and it does not matter whether you believe your rights come to you from God, or from nature, both explain the premise quite well. And as our nation celebrates our Declaration of Independence today from Great Britain based on the idea that man being created from God, has inherent rights, and those rights do not come from permission from an organized body, but rather from the fact that God created all Man as equal, I believe we would all be well reminded of what that Declaration was intended to create.

                                                                                          Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (adminstrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery
Thomas Jefferson

                                                               Liberty is a unique concept. The audacity to declare that you as an individual are your own master in society is so unique that it's conception is completely foreign to most of the created collections for governance formed by human beings . In fact the historical trend is that the individual is subservient to either the tribe, or an individual leader who plans for you what your fate is to be. Ownership of property, the most important, being your own body, is completely unacceptable to most ideas of forming organized groups of people. The absolute mandate that those who govern are the ones who have limits on their power is one of the most profound ideas the Declaration makes in it's assertion.
                                                                       Principles are what brings us to the table of liberty. Without the arguments for those principles then we as Americans are nothing more than serfs to the State just as those before us have always been. Life, Liberty, and Property are the basis of those principles. Those tenants proclaim that your life is your own, it belongs to no one else, and since that right is unalienable, your life cannot be proclaimed for the State. There is no recourse for the state to your life. It is not a power granted any government by an act of God. Unconditionally your life belongs to you, and no one else. When the creator made man in his image, it was not to serve any government, but to serve God and his will. That an institution created by man  feels that it can usurp its authority and dictate the context of your life and property is a violation of the nature of existence and should be rejected at every step.
                                                                                We have become a nation dependent on permission, as well as dictates. Our Supreme Court in it's latest decision on health care has taken the voluntary society, and transformed in into the requirement society, which given the course of our country over the last 80 plus years it is no surprise. Decisions made in Congress, signed by Presidents, and upheld by the Supreme Court are designed to uphold the sovereignty of government, rather than an individual. Our Social Programs have become institutions created for there own sake, and life blood at the expense of individual liberty, whose sacrifice has been laid waste at the alter of collective  power of the greatest minority in any society, the individual. Done so with the permission and acceptance of the American people. We have abandoned our principles of individual sovereignty, and replaced them with the Socialist concept of collective security, falsely and blindly believing that it is the inherent good.
                                                                On this 4th of July let us again beg to be governed as if we are indeed creatures of the almighty, sovereign, and free. Let us move forward for the benefit of future generations to live in a country where rulers fear the people, and can live lives that are free. A country that adheres strictly  to the principles of Life, Liberty, and Property so that those natural tendencies that all humans have, to live a life of peace, and pursue happiness can once again be the example to the world, and may those principles be on the tongues of every citizen to be repeated time after time so that when the forces of tyranny rise their head, we the American people are ready to defeat them in order to maintain a world of liberty .